Another question about Justice and Judgement's differences


Hi all

I did a relationship spread about myself and my ex who has resurfaced for the millionth time, although our lives are way more complicated with other people, children etc. but the crazy, bizarre thing is that I want him back. We broke up very badly and I always felt unfinished and incomplete in addition to missing him so much, so I did this relationship spread I found on aeclectic's forms for clarity.

The layout:
5 3 1 2 4

1 - The relationship as it is now
2 - the querent
3 - the partner
4 - what the querent needs in her life
5 - what the partner needs in his life
6 - Outcome if couple pursues a relationship
7 - Outcome if couple avoids relationship

My cards: African Tarot ( I did not use Reversals)

1 - 6 of swords
2 - 8 of cups
3 - 2 of wands
4 - 5 of cups
5 - 3 of swords
6 - judgement
7 - justice

I'm confused about Judgement and Justice. What happens either way. Does Judgement mean I'll finally get the closure I need even if it doesn't work out with him? Or does it mean we'll get a second chance at our love? OR does it mean we'll realize what is really important and let each other go? Does Justice mean we'll have to find a way to bring balance back into our lives?? I just don't get it. And I know it's because this subject is so emotionally charged. Help guys.


The layout:
5 3 1 2 4

1 - The relationship as it is now
2 - the querent
3 - the partner
4 - what the querent needs in her life
5 - what the partner needs in his life
6 - Outcome if couple pursues a relationship
7 - Outcome if couple avoids relationship

1 - 6 of swords: I think you have moved well away from other, and away from pain and grief.
2 - 8 of cups: You left this relationship because the emotional depth charges were too much to bear. I would guess you say you want him back, but you have a huge ambiguity about it all.
3 - 2 of wands: I think he still sees you as his partner.
It really gave me pause when I saw that what you both 'need in your lives' were very negative, even painful, energies. This may need some discussion in an open way with someone not emotionally caught up in this.
4 - 5 of cups
5 - 3 of swords

6 - judgement
7 - justice
Okay, this was really your question. Judgement versus Justice.
"You are right," the Angelic figure confirms, "you have only one last step on your journey, one final step to completion. But you cannot take that step until you lay your past to rest." The Fool is perturbed. "Lay it to rest? I thought I'd left it behind, all of it," he says. "There is no way to do that," The Angel observes. "Each step wears down the shoe just a bit, and so shapes the next step you take, and the next and the next. Your past is always under your feet. You cannot hide from it, run from it, or rid yourself of it. But you can call it up, and come to terms with it. Are you willing to do that?"
For the first time, he does not try to leave them, ignore or forget them, but accepts them. They are, he sees, nothing to fear. They happened, but they are gone now. He, alone, carries them into the present. With that understanding, the memories vanish. Though they remain in his mind, they no longer have any power over him. He is free of them, reborn, and wholly in the present.

He realizes that he has spent his life achieving worldly ambitions, physical goods, while leaving his spiritual self to starve, primarily because he didn't want to make the sacrifices necessary to feed his spiritual self. Now, he sees that this is necessary, the only path he has not walked, one he must walk to regain his equilibrium. Thanking the woman, he heads out with new purpose. It is time to balance his own inner scales.
This is the card that tells the Querent that they can't keep smoking and drinking without consequences to their health. It is the card that advises cutting out waste and insists that the Querent make adjustments, do whatever is necessary to bring things back into balance, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually. In a more mundane sense, this card may signal a court case, legal documents, adjustments in a marriage or partnership. The outcome of all of these may not be exactly what the Querent wants, but it will be a scrupulously fair outcome.


1 - The relationship as it is now: 6 of Swords: Both parties have achieved some distance from the difficulties that characterized the relationship (possibly that of 5-Swords--crossed purposes, lack of harmony/agreement on key issues).

2 - the querent: 8 of Cups: This seems to point at not looking back, but looking ahead. A sense of a road not taken.

Of the former (the looking back), speaks of leaving past disturbances &/or the old associations behind. Usually for a fresh start or a new venue may be sought--such as that more compatible with the sensibilities.

The latter (the looking ahead) would be an eye towards the future; how one hopes to spend the rest of the life. There is a saying that one canna go back home again. Much wisdom in that. Revisiting the past for other than the nostalgic or for the points of reference can restore the equilibrium. As in: What am I thinking of? What do I really want in the life? Or open a Pandora box.

3 - the partner: 2 of wands: He may entertain visions of togetherness, but whether he actually understands commitment is perhaps questionable. May see the merits of companionship & enjoy the companionship found in a relationship, but may be reluctant to go more deeply into the responsibilities of same.

Perhaps a need to learn partnership & cooperation. Of investing the self on a core level from which all endeavours originate. Maintaining the integrity, not only to self but to others.

4 - what the querent needs in her life: 5 of cups: To learn to get past the past regrets as that split mayst be wiped clean, but the memory not as amenable. Possibly influence the current view either helpfully or detrimentally & well depend on other factors current.

5 - what the partner needs in his life: 3 of swords: Reality checks. An understanding that what hurts or challenges need not necessarily break one irrevocably. 'Tis all in the attitude & the reactions. Before he can mend fences, he needs to be honest with self.

6 - Outcome if couple pursues a relationship: 20-Judgement appears related to the 2-Wands though not specifically to "the [potential] partner".

Judgement pertains to awakenings such as that of knowledge gained by the experiences of the past. Especially of the "been there, done that & worn the t-shirt" variety. Older & hopefully, wiser & proceeding henceforth from that greater understanding, unhampered by ego or other baggage.

It asks for relinquishing the past, whether of gains or losses in order to welcome a new order. In that, possibly suggestive of a second chance; forgiveness; healing. A resurrection or regeneration based on the value of that learned which transforms the individual.

7 - Outcome if couple avoids relationship: 11-Justice (though in this instance, possibly of 8-Justice & related to 8-Cups): One liveth not in a vacuum. Always the cause & effect visited upon one; the apparent "repercussions" of one sort or another. Ultimately, not about someone else, but about the self & the decisions made & acted upon.

Justice not actually about retributive effects but about fairness. A natural & impartial force that automatically seeketh balance. Also, of the recognition of self-responsibility. The alignment of the inner balance sheet of credit/debt related to the thoughts & actions--all that accumulated which bringeth one to the present moment.

Also to refer to that which transpired between the two parties & rendered them asunder, as if an inevitable result. Whatever of the past &/or far past that connects the two, clearly issues to be worked out in honest communication first.


I want to thank you both for amazing interpretations..Marion especially your noting the cards ; 5 of cups and 3 of swords as the elements we both needed in our lives at present. I also felt that was strange but felt kind of silly mentioning it as it seemed like perhaps we were meant to suffer and in doing so decide whether it is really all worth it? That might beg the question as to why even endure something like this in the first place..and I guess being a fool for love is the only true answer, as I've loved no one else. I am aware of all the difficulty before me however, and THAT is where my ambiguity comes in. We both have children with other people, we live in different countries for the moment..almost insurmountable obstacles. It's not impossible..just something that requires a huge amount of energy and I don't know whether I have it any more. I guess that's my 8 of cups feeling. Could Judgement possibly mean that we could reach a point where we either "make" or "break" a relationship..and whichever road we choose it should be final? Like if we break up we this time never look back, or if we stay together we put the past to rest? Justice seems so impartial..I guess from general consensus, and I thought this as well..that if we don't get together anymore things will achieve a certain balance in time, and we'll live our lives accordingly.
Sorry it took so long to reply guys but any more comments are really welcome.
Thanks again.