Any good decision-making spreads out here?


I tried searching but nothing came up.

Just looking for a spread to use when trying to choose between 2 routes. Anything that has great results in the past would be greatly appreciated.



I've never tried this, but you could do 2 spreads asking the cards about the outcome of each decision.

Also, if you like to charge cards, you could charge the crossroad and ask which decision you should take. The cards that appear around the crossroad should tell you your answer.

I'll give it a go! Thanks


i am going to say a GT again because this gives you the complete picture, and allows you to see everything that might be associated with it


i am going to say a GT again because this gives you the complete picture, and allows you to see everything that might be associated with it

Yikes!!! So, one GT per possible choice? WOW ... I will give it ago! LOL, I love challenges.