Bad Romance Tarot Spread (6) - Inspired by Lady Gaga

Glass Owl

Bad Romance Tarot Spread (6) by Sasha Graham

aga-oh-la-la! A peek at Lady Gaga’s addictive song and video reveals obsessive love. Sigh, we’ve all been there . . .

Are you currently obsessed with a lover who is no good for you?

Are you obsessing over someone you can’t have?

Are you in a long term, commited relationship but harbor a dangerous crush on someone else?

If you answered yes, this spread is for you.

Shuffle your Tarot cards while thinking seriously about the situation at hand. When you feel the cards are mixed, select six cards and place in front of you. Look below to discover what each card stands for and glean some information about what you can do . . .

Card 1 – Your Bad Romance as It Stands.

Card 2 – What Should I Do?

Card 3 – How Long Will it Last?

Card 4 – What You are in Danger of Losing.

Card 5 – How to Temper Your Obsession.

Card 6 – What You Take Away from the Situation.

Good luck little monsters :)

Glass Owl

Lady Gaga also inspired Doormousey to come up with a Lady Gaga Inspired Love Spread (4)

1. Who's te-te-telephonin' you? Main romantic interest in your life right now/coming in next.
2. Just Dance! Advice you need to know about love life to enjoy it.
3. Paparazzi! What is unexpected attention the Universe is going to throw upon you? Think of this as a little surprise!
4. Bad Romance? What will happen between you and your hunny bunny?


Wow I'm i heaven I love both soreads!

Glass Owl

Sasha Graham has designed another spread inspired by Lady Gaga! I really like this one a lot and wish I had discovered it sooner. I think that is a very deep spread for tackling sensitive issues and really getting to the heart of what is going on. I am really starting to think that I just may have to look at Lady Gaga for some Tarot-Spread-Making inspiration as well!

Lady Gaga/Beyonce Telephone Tarot Spread (5) by Sasha Graham

What is pushing your buttons?

Think of an idea, person or thing that is making you uncomfortable, bothered or nervous. With this issue in mind, perform the following Tarot spread . . .

Card 1. What fears does this issue bring up?

Card 2. How is my reaction connected in my ego?

Card 3. When I experience discomfort, what does it provoke me to examine in myself?

Card 4. What can I learn from my reaction to this issue?

Pull a fifth card if you are seeking practical resolution to this issue. Use this card as a springboard for an action you can take.


Thanks Glass Owl for posting these spreads. :)


these are sick amazing! love them!
Thank you!



The Bad Romance spread is awesome! I applaud your creativity. Mother Monster would be proud. :)
This spread worked really well for me as well. I've been dealing with a difficult crush on my best friend, and the cards used with this spread really put things in perspective. Thank you!