Beautiful Description of Tarot


I just purchased the Nigel Jackson Tarot (Wonderful deck BTW: The Minor Arcana are amazing).. And in the LWB (Which seems to have changed from Llewellyn: It's now a mini-book, not just booklet...) is shown this qoute which sets out to define the Tarot:

"It's said that the shuffling of the cards is the Earth, and the pattering of the cards is the Rain, and the beating of the cards is the Wind, and the pointing of the cards is the Fire. That's of the four suits. But the Greater Trumps, it's said, are the meaning of all process and the measure of the Everlasting Dance." - Charles Williams, 'The Greater Trumps, 1932'

I thought this to be an excellent and beautiful definition. Anyone else found any definitions like this?


tiger lily

What is the "beating" of the cards ??


Y'know when you shuffle a deck, then reform it by bashing it a couple of times on the table to straighten it out? That's beating it. I think...



The beating of the cards could mean when you draw them and place them down for the reading. Even if your gentle and don't slap them down, they make a noise :) Maybe? lol