Before During After Contact Spread


Any ideas for a spread dealing with whether or not someone would want to hear from you?Maybe something along the lines of:

1)What are their present thoughts about you (before the contact)
2)What are their present feelings towards you (before the contact)
3)How would they feel about hearing from you (before the contact)
4)What will their reaction be to the contact from you? (the actual contact)
5)What will their feelings be towards hearing from you (the actual contact)
6)What will their response be to the contact (after the contact)
7)What will the contact lead to? (after the contact, meaning what type of friendship/relationship?)
8)Outcome/Advice card

Kind of long, and I could probably make it a whole lot simpler.However I want to see what kind of information I can pick up.Any ideas?

I'll have a reading up shortly using this, will edit with link.

Link to reading:


Amazing!Just what I needed right now!A great spread :)


Interesting spread, i am going to try it now and put it up in the reading section :)