Bipolar Disorder Spread for Understanding and Hope (9)


Hello, this is my first time posting a spread here, but I'm pretty enthusiastic about this one. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and for such a long time I wanted to create a spread that would get at the core questions the illness raises for me. This is what I've come up with:


1. The "Manic" side of me
2. How this side hurts me
3. How I can use this side as a strength
4. The "Depressive" side of me
5. How this side hurts me
6. How I can use this side as a strength
7. What I can take as comfort for this experience
8. How I can harness this part of my identity for good
9. The real me

I did it last night and found it very accurate. It's more for understanding these parts of yourself and how they fit together than it should be used for medical advice. I hope someone can find comfort in this spread.


Thank you for this spread i have this disorder too, it can ruin your real thinking process and being on this forum you find yourself posting answers in those manic stages which do not help sometimes?