Books - Special Deals


OK, just wanted to let anyone who has HALF PRICE bookstore (that's the name of it) near them, might be worth than while to see if they're having a 50% off day. Normally, they sell for half of retail anyway, while today I got Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning, like BRAND NEW, for 4.99! If you have a few books on your wish list you couldn't afford right now, it might be worth checking out. Half Price shops aren't every where but in quite a few locations. I just got back from the one near Paradise Valley Mall in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area.

Just trying to pass on some possible deals. Oh, and if you aren't signed up with them for their newsletter and bargains yet, you should do that before going to cashier because you will then INSTANTLY receive the discount!

A HUGE THANKS to OMSEAWEED for letting me know about this sale today!