Breaking in a new deck?


I bought two new decks a few weeks ago and I did that spiffy little interview spread I found on this site. I interviewed my new tarot of the spirit (I think thats what its called). The last card in the interview spread was the world and there were a few other cards indicating wed have a "good working relationship". So I figured Id try it out with another spread, and... It made NO sense at all. Its not that I couldnt read it, it was just nonsense.

So, do you break in a new deck somehow? Maybe by asking it less serious questions at first until you become more comfortable with it?


Saphirei said:
The last card in the interview spread was the world and there were a few other cards indicating wed have a "good working relationship". So I figured Id try it out with another spread, and... It made NO sense at all. Its not that I couldnt read it, it was just nonsense.
Was this another interview type spread/getting to know you spread or did you actually use the deck for a reading on some topic of importance? If the former, I can see the deck giving you a nonsense reading. Yes, tarot decks aren't real, but I still believe some of them don't like being tested - "I gave you a good answer and you try me again on the same subject? Fine! Deal with this answer then! }))

If it was a reading of importance that didn't make sense, might that have been because you're too close to the topic? Or if it was a frivolous question, maybe your deck isn't interested in answering those types of questions.

You didn't say which Deck Interview spread you used (there are a number of them in the Spreads forum), but if it had a position concerning the deck's strengths, was the question you asked in line with those strengths?

The outcome was the World, but was there a position about your working relationship with the deck? If so, was the card in that position one that could be considered challenging? If so, the second reading you did may be in line with that challenging relationship.

To better bond with the deck, I'd shuffle a lot, look at random cards and card combinations, etc.



One thing I did once was sleeping with my new Hanson-Robert under my pillow. I had an interested dream, and have always had accurate readings with that deck, until I lost it, that is.
Now, many would say sleeping with the deck under your pillow is just superstition, and I´ve even heard someone removed the XV Trump first.
Good luck! :)


Saphirei said:
So I figured Id try it out with another spread, and... It made NO sense at all. Its not that I couldnt read it, it was just nonsense.
Perhaps it felt that it had told you what it could, and that by asking again you weren't accepting the first answer?

It'll work fine. Just shuffle it and look at the images.


Saphirei said:
So, do you break in a new deck somehow? Maybe by asking it less serious questions at first until you become more comfortable with it?

Slowly. I won’t read for another person with a new deck until I have spent some time studying and pulling daily draws with it. It takes time to see how a decks imagery and style communicate.

My new deck ritual:
I like to take a moment and collect my thoughts and take a deep breath every time I get to a point where I am going to look at a new deck for the first time. Too often I realized that I was in a frenzy from work, traffic, or excitement that I wasn't savoring the moment of meeting the deck for the first time.

Next I look at each of the cards. Making sure they are all there for one but just letting the image begin to register with me. I may spend five minutes or an hour in this process.

I have developed a prettying elaborate ritual for mixing the cards up for the first time. I start by taking the Fool off the top and laying him face up on a big flat surface. Then deal out the cards face down in to 7 piles underneath the Fool. I gather them together by placing randomly the piles on top of each other working from the outside in and place the Fool upside down on top of the middle pile which goes in the middle of the gathered deck. Now that the deck is gather I lay it all out in six piles, gather the card, then five piles, repeat it in decreasing number of piles down to two piles. As I am dealing them out, I will often place them in random piles to get them in a random pattern.

The first reading is FireRaven’s deck interview spread. This is hands down the best spread I have found on the subject. From this I look at the final positions, “How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?” and “What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?” to look at setting my intention for the deck. This always includes a time of meditation. As an example some of the decks I have and the intentions that accompany my using the deck. My Liber T is intentionally my private deck. I only use it for reading for myself. My Gilded Tarot is used with the intent to provide solid, sober readings with practical applications. My Bohemian Gothic is used to show what is in shadow, hidden but true. My Tarot of Metamorphosis is used to examine times of change and transition.

Getting to know the artwork and theme of a deck can take a while but it takes longer to get to know how it will work in readings.



Sometimes I will simplify

with a new deck because the first readings regarding a working relationship question can be really like a getting acquainted warm up---and all signs are favorable...but then one tries to put the new acquaintance to work and pfffff!

Also with Thoth-like decks or ones that might have spiritual or philosophical bent--my Ananda might qualify as that for me--sometimes has the most lofty or blue-sky write-ups. If I tried to read for a person asking if Jane D likes him enough for a second date, my Ananda might give me a Heirophant Buddha and two of swords that talks about spiritual truth from a universal source and dualism of divine nature reminding all paths become one in the end.
But oddly enough this same tarot for me------I have used it to find thematic threads in sci-fi movies...

The Tarot of the Spirit is a mom and son duo, isn't it? I think a friend of mine uses it on spiritual retreat to illuminate and find positive aspects in puzzling cirumstances.

I like the deck, but do not use it. I hope your second/other deck might work better for you on your question...or you might need another day to focus your tarots on that particular question.

Best wishes,



Well, I received my Universal Waite deck yesterday and did a "test drive" on it ("Celtic Cross" and the "Problem, Suggestion, Answer spreads respectively"). The Devil card appeared as the future outcome of these spreads.

Now I think the I have a Ferari.


If it's a Rider-Waite-Smith style deck or a Tarot de Marseille then I just read with it. I find that I learn a deck's little nuances best by using it.. I'm not a great studier.


Breaking in decks is fun. I spent yesterday in an intensive relationship with a deck that someone recently sent me: looking at the images, doing a lot of shuffling, and a lot of mini-spreads about mini-questions. The review, which is pretty well my honest opinion of the deck, one yucky thing amongst a lot of really likeable things, has already been offered to Solandia, so it will be up one of these days, but a single day spent doing a *lot* of looking, and a *lot* of shuffling, and a lot of returning to favourite or least-favourite cards, has brought the deck nicely in-tune - I won't have any issues having it on the table with others this afternoon for clients to choose from.


I think you were saying that you did the interview spread then did another spread to get an answer to a question. Not testing... just decided that the first spread went well and you were then wanting to use the new deck like you do the others. Is this what you meant?
I do that also. I don't see that as testing the deck, but rather feeling like the deck worked/connected for me so it must be OK to do other readings with it.

I always do a reading with a new deck asking What do you want me to know? It is simple and it actually answers why I was drawn to it. It could just be a one time message. {Yes I have gotten those and they didn't work for any other readings}. It just had a special message for me. For some reason, it was more clear and/or I just understood it better than the deck I had. I think different people have their own rituals/routines that they do with new decks. I don't think there is a wrong or right way in doing that as your meanings of the cards & your reading style may be different than someone elses.

You will find something that works for you. If you feel like the deck did well with the interview spread. Maybe try rewording your question from the reading/spread that didn't make sense? Maybe you weren't specific enough or asked a yes/no question?

Good luck! Keep us updated! :)