Choosing a Deck


I was trying to choose between two decks. I knew that I really wanted both of them, but I could only choose one to purchase at this time, so I made a spread to help me decide. I'm unsure if anyone has posted a spread like this before, but this is what I did the other day and I found that it worked well for me, so I wanted to share. :)

The spread focuses on what working with the deck would be like and what you'd potentially gain from working with the deck.

For each question, I drew a separate card for each deck (Deck "A" and Deck "B"), but if you were comparing more decks, then you would draw more cards (such as for a Deck "C" and so on).


1. What would the deck have to teach me?
2. What would the deck have to show me about myself?
3. How would I feel about the deck; how would I relate to it?

At the end of the reading, put the cards back, reshuffle, and then draw a *CLARIFYING CARD* for each of the deck options.

You can read this clarifying card however you'd like... such as further insight about the deck to assess, which card you identify more with, which card's artwork you prefer more, etc.
Perhaps you would take it as a strong confirmation if it were one of the cards that came up earlier in the spread, as I did...


EXAMPLE READING... [using Shadowscapes Tarot]

Deck "A"
1. Page of Swords
2. IV The Emperor
3. Page of Cups

Deck "B"
1. Two of Cups
2. King of Swords
3. Eight of Wands

Both are good decks for me to choose from. I would feel humbled by the wisdom and depth found in working with Deck A, and Deck A would probably require more study. Deck B seems like it would be more readily readable; a "get up and go" sort of deck. However, Deck A would be more incisive in breaking down my inner patterns/conditioning (structures). Working with Deck A would be a more intuitive process, and it would bring me closer to myself on a spiritual level.
For me personally, I find the third question (how you feel about the deck) to be of great importance in choosing a deck, so based on the reading, I was leaning more toward Deck A.

*Confirmation card*
Deck A: Page of Cups
Deck B: Knight of Swords

I took that as a strong confirmation for Deck A because it was one of the cards that showed up for that deck in the spread. This card is also one whose artwork I prefer, and it's also a card from the deck I used that holds a special place in my heart. Overall, I had a strong feeling that in this point in my life, I should choose Deck A.


If I've not said it before, welcome to AT

There are a few spreads like this, but I just wanted to congratulate you for working out a spread and then using it to find the answer you need.

I am really impressed.

Usually we see billions of threads where someone asks what would be a good deck for them. There are a billion answers and they are all different. Just chins flapping in the wind.

Good for you.


Thanks! :)

I've noticed the many threads where people ask for such advice as well. They can be interesting to read at times, but at the end of the day, it's such a personal decision that I think we really need to ask ourselves.. Which is why such spreads are useful in helping to narrow it down. As you said, the answers are all different. I know I've personally loved decks that others have dubbed to be "impossible" or not well-suited, so I know that you can't always base things on what others say.

In a lot of ways, it's less about the deck itself in it's apparent characteristics (though still important), or what others have to say about it's use, and more about ourselves and what we're looking to get out of the experience with a deck -- that should be at the forefront in making the final choice. That, or you just know in your heart beyond all reason! ;)