Chrysalis Tarot-- Five of Mirrors


From the LWB:
Five of Mirrors
Keyword: Forgiveness

This card is about overcoming disenchantment and gaining healing through forgiveness. In your reading, the Five of Mirrors may signify a broken romance or some difficult emotional upheaval that needs to be set right. For guidance, your eyes turn to Quan Yin, who rises sublimely from a five-mirror lotus flower. Quan Yin's story is one of hope from the depths of adversity, joy from the depths of sorrow, and justification from the depths of deceit. Whatever wrongs you may have suffered will heal with time. But wounds heal faster and bear fewer scars when you grant gifts of mercy and compassion to those who have wronged you.

This is such a beautiful image, and quite a departure from the typical Five of Cups, though carrying much of the same message. What I notice first is how aligned Quan Yin appears to be- her chakras are balanced and connected, from root to heart to crown. Her heart, like the lotus, is opening, rising from the muck and blooming in beautiful purity. This card both acknowledges heartbreak and despair, and inspires transformation of pain into healing... she holds this polarity of pain and healing, and ushers us into a place of compassion. Her crown chakra is expanding, radiating, connecting will all that is... she can both hold us in our pain, and connect us with the greater cosmic consciousness.

ETA: After meditating with this card, I realized that her alignment shows how she brings us back into alignment with our true selves. Hurts, slights, emotional pain throws us out of alignment with our true selves, and the ego takes over. Quan Yin gently brings us back into alignment, through self compassion and forgiveness, which leads to compassion and forgiveness for all.