complex spread (42 cards)...lil help please?


hello fellow tarot peoples. i'm sorta new here so i doubt most of you have heard of me yet but i was doing a gypsy spread today to try and figure out whats going on with a particular situation i've got going on now. you see here's the story...i am currently stuck at home due to an illness i cannot get rid of at the moment (but that isn't why i'm here i only mention this as it has to do with the situation as a whole). my only option to keep in touch with most of my friends is through internet IM programs. recently i've been reuinted(online) with a girl i attended college with before i had to leave. well today i was talking to her and somehow accidentally astral projected to her...well her being not so pagan sort of got a lil freaked out (she wasn't the only one...i've done this before but usually only on purpose this was accidental). anyways well after i was finally able to calm her down over it she wondered as to why she was the one i tapped(curiosity got me as well). i had a crush on this girl for over a year but after getting nowhere with it i gave up and decided i was satisfied with a friendship.... anyways so i did this spread to find out why my mind decided (seemingly on its own) to astral project to her....anyways before i bore you anymore here's the spread and thanx in advance to anyone who responds to this

tarot gimp

-blessed be

7,6,5,4,3,2,1 -past influences
14,13,12,11,10,9,8 -present influences
21,20,19,18,17,16,15 -outside influences
28,27,26,25,24,23,22 -immediate future influences
35,34,33,32,31,30,29 -possibilities for the future
42,41,40,39,38,37,36 -future results and outcome

1. The Moon
2. The Hermit
3. Judgement
4. The Empress
5. Nine of Swords
6. Four of Swords
7. Six of Pentacles
8. Nine of Cups
9. Two of Pentacles
10.Seven of Pentacles
11. Seven of Wands
12. Death
13. The High Priestess
14. The Emperor
15. Temperance
16. The Fool
17. The Tower
18. The heirophant
19. The Star
20. The Chariot
21. Queen of Cups
22. Four of Pentacles
23. King of Wands
24. Nine of Wands
25. Justice
26. Ace of Swords
27. Queen of Wands
28. The Sun
29. The Devil
30. The Lovers
31. Strength
32. The Wheel of Fortune
33. The Magician
34. Ten of Swords
35. The Hanged Man
36. Seven of Cups
37. Five of Wands
38. Herald of Swords
39. Ace of Pentacles
40. Eight of Wands
41. The world
42. Herald of Cups

P.S if anyone is interested in this spread for their own use and are unfamiliar PM me or pick up a copy of The Tarot Workbook by Nevil Drury (Thunder Bay Press, 2004)...if enough are interested i might just post instructions somewhere on the boards :)


Moderating note

tarotgimp: Welcome to Aeclectic Tarot!

We do not offer the interpretive out of hand; nor the 'free' readings. We are a learning community & active participation expected. That means before any discussion or feedback may occur on a personal reading, your thoughts on each of the cards required.

A word of advice: Your Readings an extremely busy forum & relies on the goodwill & resources of its members. The unusually large spreads demands an excess of resources not wholly fair & tends to discourage responses.

Consider a smaller spread or that of fewer cards. Fewer cards with positional meanings tend to be more focussed & succinct.

Please review the posting guidelines:

Your understanding appreciated; & thanks!

Viewers, please wait for tarotgimp to meet the requirements. Thanks!

Co-Moderator, Your Readings


my apologies meewah...i guess i misunderstood the rules very sorry for the inconvenience and thanks much for informing me of my mistake. take care

tarot gimp

-blessed be


And probably if you're going to start out with Tarot you should use smaller spreads. While we could help you with a 42-card spread, I doubt that many of us would be willing to take the time and effort to do it. You can get tons of information from a much shorter spread, believe me.


Grizabella said:
And probably if you're going to start out with Tarot you should use smaller spreads. While we could help you with a 42-card spread, I doubt that many of us would be willing to take the time and effort to do it. You can get tons of information from a much shorter spread, believe me.

As I am new to this forum I am not surprised as to your unfamiliarity to my knowledge of tarot. I've been reading for a few years, i didn't just pick this up yesterday. I haven't written a book (yet) or tons of articles published over the internet, but as I said i do have some experience reading tarot. I may not be as "gifted" as some of you folks may put it, but you shouldn't just assume that I'm completely incompetant simply due to the size of which i choose to lay my spreads. My mistake was allready brought to my attention was it really necesary for you to reitterate it?. Once again I appologize for any inconvenience my posting may have caused any of you, I was simply seeking advice from those I had thought were a little more experienced than I. And for the record this was just the tip of the ice berg I'd allready drawn a celtic cross before hand. :)

tarot gimp

-blessed be



I think Grizabella was just trying to be helpful as she always is to everyone on the forum. She is very good and I don't think she meant anything. You will find everyone on here extremely helpful and Griz was right about the spread people tend to avoid larger spreads and prefer to help interpret smaller ones TG. Welcome and hope you enjoy the forum. Hope to see you around for some exchanges. P.


i see where you are comming from though...hard to find time to help those seeking knowledge of the tarot when you're so busy posting rediculous comments of boost to your own ego...6000+ postings and from what i can tell not a one of much use...atleast not to me so far. good day

-tarot gimp

blessed be


Welcome to AT.

What a shame. There is so much to learn here. And Grizabella is a good one to learn from.

I'm glad you have so much experience - but that being so, I would have thought that you could have managed to interpret your spread yourself easily enough ? It is certainly far beyond my expertise.


tarotgimp said:
i see where you are comming from though...hard to find time to help those seeking knowledge of the tarot when you're so busy posting rediculous comments of boost to your own ego...6000+ postings and from what i can tell not a one of much use...atleast not to me so far. good day

-tarot gimp

blessed be

So do you think it is ok to say something mean and then leave it off with blessed be and all will be well?????? Give me a break!!!!

REad the rules! IF you posted the spread and your interpretations people would have swooped in and helped you with it but NO you post this and when Meewah gently tells you of the rules you ignore her and then BLAST Griz! Oh yeah and BLESSED BE to you too! Hypocrit!


Hi tarotgimp,

If you wish to post your own interpretations, please PM Sulis, MeeWah or myself and one of us will unlock the thread for you to add your thoughts.

co-Moderator, Your Readings