could the Chariot represent chaos?


So, given the fact that I don't read reversals but I consider both the positive and negative aspects of any card in a reading, could it be that Chariot upright would represent chaos and *lack of* direction or stability?

I've found out a good bit more detail on the inner workings of that company I did that other reading for and this seems to be a sensible interpretation, has anyone else experienced that?



So, given the fact that I don't read reversals but I consider both the positive and negative aspects of any card in a reading, could it be that Chariot upright would represent chaos and *lack of* direction or stability?

I've found out a good bit more detail on the inner workings of that company I did that other reading for and this seems to be a sensible interpretation, has anyone else experienced that?

I don't believe anyone can tell you that any card COULD not mean whatever you see in it. Meanings are so fluid, there are almost infinite number things that could come up in any card in a reading.

The short answer is not only could it mean that, but if that is what came to mind to you when you saw this card in a reading, then that is absolutely what it DID mean for you in that reading. What you feel something means to you is what it means. Period. Tarot is about following and trusting your intuition, as much as anything else.

It's not my traditional meaning personally, but often in a reading cards can be talking about something other than the usual meaning that you have for them. That does happen, it's all part of the process and magic that is Tarot.



I agree with SunChariot's view.

If you see this card as "control," and think of a "control freak," such a person is always freaking out about chaos. So they try to live in an orderly world, but they are always complaining about disorder, things being out of place, rules being violated.


***In a negative reading the Chariot can indicate chaos.


Hmm, thanks for all the insights. I'm analyzing this somewhat after the fact as I found out today that there has been major turnover in top positions and harmful alliances formed which have just this week been broken up, and my question in that past reading was about what's preventing them from hiring me. So in the sense of a lack of unity, lack of cohesion, and people "in cahoots" with each other to gain control, this would seem to make sense even though the card was upright. So perhaps it comes down to the old question of "to read reversals or not read reversals".


So, given the fact that I don't read reversals but I consider both the positive and negative aspects of any card in a reading, could it be that Chariot upright would represent chaos and *lack of* direction or stability?

Absolutly !! I've had the Chariot show up three months in a row in my monthly readings and I've had for the past three months a huge obstacle to overcome and I've struggled big time with keeping my emotions under control as they have been all over the place and with that comes chaos because of the fact that you have no clear direction.

I do read with reversals and whenever I see the chariot reversed it always reminds me of a chariot wreck where there are bits and pieces scattered all over the place.