Das Lied der Rohrigen- Prince of Cups


I did my usual three card spread with a different deck, and then used the Rohirig to draw one advice card. I did a spirit/mind/body spread and got the 2 of Swords/Queen of Wands/King of Cups. I think the Prince of Cups as advice is warning me not to let that Queen of Wands in the mental realm get so fired up that I end up with a lot of wishful thinking with my eyes closed to what the universe is offering me (the Prince of Cups has his eyes closed to the universe around him), but to utilize the mature King of Cups energy to realize the "possibilities of transformation" that the Prince of Cups suggests is available. That red and gold chunk at the top of the card is interesting. As though amid all the grey/white movie images of sensual gratification a piece of his mind has the desire (red) and ability (gold- ie: having gold in our society allows one, in many cases, to actualize ones desires) to bring some wishes into actual manifestation. Though I suspect he'll have to first get real and not expect reality to match his idealized visions, still, without the visions he might not be inspired to find the drive to go after the reality.


Ahhhh.... the Prince of Cups... The one who is in love with love!

Undoubtedly one of the most erotic cards of the Rohrig deck. Yes..., a dreamer, self-indulgent to a fault He is not deliberately callow or deceiving, but he cannot resist the call of sensuality in any form.

Sensitive yes, to his own sensivitivy first and foremost. A passionate lover who cannot resist his own idealism.

When he appears, does he warn us not to go off on wild goose chases? Not to take up causes that are, perhaps, doomed to failure? Not to act like Don Quixote, whose exaggerated sense of chivalry had him see what wasn't there or fighting against windmills?

This prince's eyes are closed; his mind taken over, entirely I might add, with his desires.

The multi-starred firmament intrigues me, though. Surely he cannot be hedonistic only. Does his sensitivity border on esp?? :)

This is surely the manifestation of our expressive, emotional nature.

I agree... Let us be careful of emotional/sensory exaggeration of any kind, unless we can turn that sensitivity into a channel for understanding all our "other" senses; the ones beyond the traditional five or six, I mean.


How can anyone help but comment on this card.

I admit to being a romantic but to me this card epitomises the Prince of Cups. With his eyes gently closed his mind is open for everyone to see. The young passionate Prince shows his erotic thoughts to everyone, it's in his expression also. I love the heart shaped 'tattoo' on the womans leg, a reminder that the Prince lives in a fantasy world of love.

There are several red splashes in the card which I take to be a warning of getting too emotional. Its like a little piece of reality coming into the card.

galadrial said:
........(the Prince of Cups has his eyes closed to the universe around him), but to utilize the mature King of Cups energy to realize the "possibilities of transformation" that the Prince of Cups suggests is available.

I like this alot. The youth and potential of the Prince could mean a sample of what life has to offer, but to the Prince its the beginning... an exlploratory phase.