Deck ID yet again - quirky YouTube show edition


Hello everyone.

I'm looking to ID the two decks briefly visible in the lower left corner around 3:08 (not the one with white pentacle on black card - that's Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed, if anyone wants to know :)).

One has a black-and-white checkered back with red compass-direction-pointers in the middle (I'm sorry if those have a proper name and I don't know it). It's reversible.

The other is orange-yellow, with barely-fainter-coloured, thick border offset from the card's border a little. It has a golden crown with three "tips" in the middle, and faint lighter circle (similar to the offset border) around the crown. This back is non-reversible.

Clearly, my Google Fu of keywords and filtering by colour is weak. Can anyone help? Thank you!

Backstory: a friend of mine is a fan of Good Mythical Morning and sent me a link to them "trying out" Tarot cards. I personally found it funny, but some might find it offensive, I suppose (my friend was even nice enough to ask whether I would!). The trip of two guys from GMM crew to a Tarot reader was of somewhat more interest to me.


Here is a screen shot of the backs:


  • Backs.JPG
    55.9 KB · Views: 123


The orange-yellow one with the crown is Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance oracle deck.


A Masonic deck?


Thank you, Alta, for adding the screenshot :) And thank you for identifying that deck; I admit to knowing near naught about oracles.

Thank you for the suggestion, earthair. I'm off to search for such decks :)