Devil and Two of Cups


I've heard someone refer to the song "Addicted to Love" for the Devil + Lovers, and that's what this combo is making me think of. One thing that I find curious about this combination is that the 2 of Cups, being a 2, refers to an inclination/feelings - not necessarily to any actual manifestation, like a 3 would. But then the Devil is such an earthy, binding card, I don't know whether to think this is some kind of obsession/addiction that exists only in the mental realm (and by that I mean kind of yearning from afar) or if there is a karmic/soul-mate type connection that will inevitably lead to a physical connection.


It could be that someone is obsessed (Devil) with forming a couplehood (Two of Cups) with another, but I don't think that implies that there is a karmic connection between the two or even that the other person is aware of the seeker or her/his desires. For that matter, it may not even imply there is a specific other could be that the seeker is obsessed with finding a relationship with anyone at this point. I would suspect that the Devil implies the energy of only one person here; perhaps, someone who has imposed upon herself the bindings that hold her to this desire...and maybe having nothing to do with the other person at all.

But that could change depending upon the rest of the spread, of course, and this is just one possible interpretation.


it may not even imply there is a specific other could be that the seeker is obsessed with finding a relationship with anyone at this point. I would suspect that the Devil implies the energy of only one person here; perhaps, someone who has imposed upon herself the bindings that hold her to this desire...and maybe having nothing to do with the other person at all.

That's an interesting and unexpected interpretation. Is it something inherent in the devil here that makes you think of a one-sided situation, or is it because it's 2 cups rather than 3 (not manifestation)? What would you think if it were the Devil and Ace of Cups? Personally that would be more suggestive of what you said of wanting any relationship because 2s have a focus, and for something one-sided I would expect the Moon (delusion) with the Devil, or perhaps the Hermit (solitary) or the 4 of cups (other person overlooking the querent). Interestingly, when I look at these two side-by-side (Thoth deck), the composition looks similar - the two cups resemble the testes in the Devil, the intertwining dolphins resemble the shaft of the phallus. The Devil and Lovers are very closely related in my mind, and I know 2oC is frequently associated as the minor version of the Lovers, but I'd never made the association between Devil and 2oC, hence my curiosity.

Edit: One of the keywords I always bear in mind with 2oC is "reciprocity"; whatever "it" is that is being reciprocated. I don't know if that's a common interpretation.


Well, let me preface this with this:

What I posted was simply a gut-wrench interpretation of that pair of cards as stand-alones. I don't know the situation, the actual question that may have been asked, nor any of the other cards that might have been drawn along with that pair. I don't know if the Devil appeared as the positional card with the Two of Cups as a clarifier or if the Two was supposed to modify or combine with the Devil in some other way.

I associate the Thoth 2 of Cups with the keyword Love, so that is what I feel the obsession indicated by the Devil signifies--or simply, that someone is obsessed or bound to the idea of love or being in a relationship. If it were the Ace of Cups with the Devil*, I might have thought it would be more an obsession with beginning an emotional or creative experience of any kind (not necessarily a love relationship with another person...that is what I'd associate more with a two.)

If this pair was part of a larger spread, knowing the rest of the cards and the question would, of course, help in deciphering the reading of this combination as I'd said.

And, of course, this may or may not fit your parameters at all! :)

Edited to add: *The Devil with Ace of Cups (Thoth) also brings to mind a masturbatory energy--self-gratification--now that I think of it. <shrug>



I have always believe that the devil is associated with addiction and the giving up of free Will. and the two of cups meaning union or a relationship of opposites, so yes I agree with you associating the two cards with the song, "addicted to love".


*The Devil with Ace of Cups (Thoth) also brings to mind a masturbatory energy--self-gratification--now that I think of it. <shrug>

LOL! I can definitely see that. Your explanation makes sense. The 2oC was clarifying the Devil. The question was whether or not two people were going to get together, and my gut when I pulled each was "yes". Ahh and I know the consensus here on tarot for yes or no, but it usually works for me by giving some qualitative answer. For example, I can think of a hand full of cards that I could have picked instead that would mean "no" and for different reasons. Also I could have think of different "yes" answers that would have a slightly different interpretation. In any case, I'm pretty interested in the two cards generally because of what I said regarding Lovers/Devil, and the "minor Lovers".

Forgive me if this is too off topic, I will edit and erase the following. But regarding free will or the lack thereof: I get the feeling with the Lovers (at least with Thoth) that maybe the choice is an illusion. Or at least it implies there are only certain things that we can choose. It seems to be a marriage, and there is a choice to go through with that, but then again there is cupid floating above, pointing his arrows - that's not a choice. That's implying something along the lines of that you can't help who you fall in love with, or other similar type things that are non-romance related. Not to get too Thoth-y or thelemic, but Thelema is all about "true will" that you basically (from what I can tell) divine from your HGA/your higher self; in that sense it is your will, but it's not the same kind of will power that one normally talks about in a mundane sense - it seems almost something like fate. At least, that's been my recent thoughts on it. And to that end, the Lovers and the Devil are very much two sides of the same coin. I maybe even see the Devil as being a more honest version of the Lovers. As for how the 2oC fits in, I tend to see that as an attraction (to anything) that stems from that higher will.

If that doesn't make sense, maybe this does:
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." - Rumi

Of course, it's just my viewpoint. Probably not well articulated.


Well, if you think about it, if you reduce the Devil (#15) down, it becomes the Lovers (#6.) They are shadows of one another. The thing about the Thoth Devil is that it is extremely phallic in image--so, that makes me think it may be less about love than about sex. Sex is a very strong compulsion that is hard ever to deny. The RWS Devil, however, shows the lovers chained, but only by their own free will because the chains are loose and could easily be thrown off.

As an answer to whether or not these two people in question will ever get together (i.e. is there a karmic connection), I don't think the Devil/Two of Cups answers one way or the other. I don't really see any karmic energy with that pairing, though...only hope and desire that this pairing will come to fruition.

That's not to say that a connection won't happen, but I don't think it is "predestined" at this point via the message of this combination (if anything ever IS predestined, that is.)

But, it's very late where I am, and I'm pretty tired, so I'm not sure I'm making much sense or even if I will see this the same way tomorrow morning! :)


But, it's very late where I am, and I'm pretty tired, so I'm not sure I'm making much sense or even if I will see this the same way tomorrow morning! :)

Nope, you make perfect sense :) It's been good to hear your perspective.