Does Tarot Ever "Assign" A Card to Someone You Know/Frequently Ask About?


What I love about Tarot is that it seems to "assign" a card to people I've asked about in readings. Usually, this can be reoccuring cards that pop up when I ask about him or her.

It always makes me chuckle how Tarot makes the decision to pick a significator for everyone I ask about. My best friend is the King of Cups Rx because she's always venting and getting all emotional about what happens in her life.

I remember I got a text one day and, for fun, I asked tarot "Who is it?" Lo and behold pulled out the King of Cups Rx. Basically, tarot said "Yeah it's Miss Emotional again..." It was her indeed! Moping about another douchey guy again.

I used to do a lot readings on my last relationship and tarot assigned the 8 of Cups Rx to my ex. I remember I did a card pull asking why our relationship didn't work and I got the 10 of Wands Reversed and the 6 of Pentacles Reversed, which tells me someone was pulling more weight than the other. Deep down, I knew who was carrying the weight of the relationship (my ex), but I wanted to make sure. So I asked -- lo & freakin' behold I pulled the 8 of Cups Rx.

Have you guys noticed tarot doing the same? It makes my life so much easier and I already know -- in an instant -- who the cards are referring to.


I have a very uncanny deck called Waking the Wild Spirit and it gives me significators I find amazingly fitting. My oldest grand-daughter that I raised had a picture taken that her school used for promotional posters that showed her with a moth that landed on her finger. The Wild Spirit has a card showing a little imp or an elf with a moth flying just off his finger. She's a fire sign and the card is Three of Fire.

My youngest grand-daughter I raised has always just adored cats. She even has always had cat-like traits about herself from the time she was born. The card Wild Spirit always gives me for her is a cat that's portrayed jumping out as if toward me.

There's also a card that's my late husband that shows up in that deck in the right places to indicate him.

I don't usually read for anyone else with this deck but Girl Archer had a dream that I read for her with a deck she described to me and I had her go search out the decks I have that could meet the description well---and she came back saying the Wild Spirit was that deck, so I'll be doing a reading for her in the Reading Exchange one of these days with the Wild Spirit. That will be the first time I've ever read for anyone else with that deck. I'm excited to see what this brings because obviously, I'm meant to do a reading for her with that deck.

pink daliha

Yes. All the time. My grandmother is the Queen of Swords and my mother is the Queen of Pentacles (Dog groomer). Other people have shown up at different times, but the significators are always spot on!


I have a very uncanny deck called Waking the Wild Spirit and it gives me significators I find amazingly fitting. My oldest grand-daughter that I raised had a picture taken that her school used for promotional posters that showed her with a moth that landed on her finger. The Wild Spirit has a card showing a little imp or an elf with a moth flying just off his finger. She's a fire sign and the card is Three of Fire.

My youngest grand-daughter I raised has always just adored cats. She even has always had cat-like traits about herself from the time she was born. The card Wild Spirit always gives me for her is a cat that's portrayed jumping out as if toward me.

There's also a card that's my late husband that shows up in that deck in the right places to indicate him.

I don't usually read for anyone else with this deck but Girl Archer had a dream that I read for her with a deck she described to me and I had her go search out the decks I have that could meet the description well---and she came back saying the Wild Spirit was that deck, so I'll be doing a reading for her in the Reading Exchange one of these days with the Wild Spirit. That will be the first time I've ever read for anyone else with that deck. I'm excited to see what this brings because obviously, I'm meant to do a reading for her with that deck.

Wow, it's spooky isn't it? See your deck took a step further and picked a significator that matched the corresponding person's personality AND a personally tailored anecdote. *Shudder* Cool, but adoringly creepy lol. And even more spookier that Girl Archer dreamt up that deck. Should be interesting! I wonder who she could be tagged as by the Wild Spirit deck? :)


Yes. All the time. My grandmother is the Queen of Swords and my mother is the Queen of Pentacles (Dog groomer). Other people have shown up at different times, but the significators are always spot on!

:laugh: Your grandmother sounds like she's a handful and tells it like it is! My mom always shows up as the Queen of Pentacles, too. She's a homebody and doesn't really like to go out much *shrug*.

Girl Archer

Wow, it's spooky isn't it? See your deck took a step further and picked a significator that matched the corresponding person's personality AND a personally tailored anecdote. *Shudder* Cool, but adoringly creepy lol. And even more spookier that Girl Archer dreamt up that deck. Should be interesting! I wonder who she could be tagged as by the Wild Spirit deck? :)

Yep. My mom is the Empress or Queen of Pentacles. My dad almost always shows up as a King of Wands/Swords. I usually show up as Queen of Swords/Strength (my birth card). When these cards come up, I know. Likewise when I draw Knight of Cups in love matters I know the guy is a flakey romantic. Tarot really does make life simpler in a lot of little ways. And... as the aforementioned Girl Archer I am terribly eager and curious to see what that amazingly accurate deck has for me, and what significator it will pick out for me :grin: I have had experiences like this before. I often dream of a particular card and scour Pinterest/Google Images. It is thus that I have purchased so many of my decks. Pure intuitive buys.


Like with all Tarot readings, sometimes it takes awhile for everything to unfold so it might not just be an earth-shattering reading just at first. We'll have to just wait and see.

I've probably told this story about a dozen times here, but I'll tell it again. When I first started working with the deck, I was watching the televised trial of Scott Peterson who murdered his wife at Christmas when she was expecting their first child and was at full term, almost, with the pregnancy. It was a circumstantial case until close to trial time when lo and behold a baby washed ashore where he'd been seen going out in a boat. A few days later, the headless, armless body of a woman washed ashore, too and tests showed it was Lacey Peterson and her baby. In a news broadcast around that time her mother had said in a news conference and in a statement given in court, too, if I remember right---that one of the hardest and most painful things about burying their grandson and daughter was that when they buried them together in the same coffin, she had no arms to hold her baby with.

As I watched the trial, I asked the deck "if he's convicted, what will be the deciding factor?" since it was circumstantial all the way. Well, in this deck there's a card---the Six of Water (Cups) and the title of the card is Womb. It shows two adult arms encircling a baby in a body of water. Sure enough, when jury members were interviewed and asked what decided it for them, that was what they said----that it was the baby, and then of course, I related that to what her mother said about her having no arms to hold the baby.

To make it even more stunning, the baby was almost perfect when found on the beach. They said it just looked like a normal baby lying there. The woman's body had held the baby inside, protecting it from deteriorating as much as the mother's body until finally the mother's body had deteriorated enough for the baby to come free. In the picture on this card, the baby is rosy and pink and obviously looking alive but the arms encircling it are just dark and obviously dead looking.

As I was reading the post where you mentioned about wondering what your significator would be, Girl Archer, I was shuffling cards and one card came up higher than the rest so just for fun, I thought I'd see if it might be thought of as a significator for you and the card is the equivalent to the 9 of Pentacles, but it's called the 9 of Earth and titled Full Bloom. It shows a young woman walking through a field of wild flowers, smiling and with crows overhead and little earth imps or sprites dancing around in the background. That does sort of fit you, from what you told me of your circumstances. You're the free spirit headed off to uni in a few months.

When I do your reading, I'll try to post a picture of the cards drawn for you. My phone is a rinky-dink old thing and doesn't always do what I want it to, but if I can accomplish it, I'll post a photo. That way we can see if anything in the cards hits you as significant when you see them.

Starri Knytes

BF is often The Devil or Devil(rx)
In The Faeries Oracle BF shows up as Himself.

Girl Archer

Like with all Tarot readings, sometimes it takes awhile for everything to unfold so it might not just be an earth-shattering reading just at first. We'll have to just wait and see.

I've probably told this story about a dozen times here, but I'll tell it again. When I first started working with the deck, I was watching the televised trial of Scott Peterson who murdered his wife at Christmas when she was expecting their first child and was at full term, almost, with the pregnancy. It was a circumstantial case until close to trial time when lo and behold a baby washed ashore where he'd been seen going out in a boat. A few days later, the headless, armless body of a woman washed ashore, too and tests showed it was Lacey Peterson and her baby. In a news broadcast around that time her mother had said in a news conference and in a statement given in court, too, if I remember right---that one of the hardest and most painful things about burying their grandson and daughter was that when they buried them together in the same coffin, she had no arms to hold her baby with.

As I watched the trial, I asked the deck "if he's convicted, what will be the deciding factor?" since it was circumstantial all the way. Well, in this deck there's a card---the Six of Water (Cups) and the title of the card is Womb. It shows two adult arms encircling a baby in a body of water. Sure enough, when jury members were interviewed and asked what decided it for them, that was what they said----that it was the baby, and then of course, I related that to what her mother said about her having no arms to hold the baby.

To make it even more stunning, the baby was almost perfect when found on the beach. They said it just looked like a normal baby lying there. The woman's body had held the baby inside, protecting it from deteriorating as much as the mother's body until finally the mother's body had deteriorated enough for the baby to come free. In the picture on this card, the baby is rosy and pink and obviously looking alive but the arms encircling it are just dark and obviously dead looking.

As I was reading the post where you mentioned about wondering what your significator would be, Girl Archer, I was shuffling cards and one card came up higher than the rest so just for fun, I thought I'd see if it might be thought of as a significator for you and the card is the equivalent to the 9 of Pentacles, but it's called the 9 of Earth and titled Full Bloom. It shows a young woman walking through a field of wild flowers, smiling and with crows overhead and little earth imps or sprites dancing around in the background. That does sort of fit you, from what you told me of your circumstances. You're the free spirit headed off to uni in a few months.

When I do your reading, I'll try to post a picture of the cards drawn for you. My phone is a rinky-dink old thing and doesn't always do what I want it to, but if I can accomplish it, I'll post a photo. That way we can see if anything in the cards hits you as significant when you see them.

Good Lord Grizabella, this deck continues to stump me. That is SO me. I have often come across as the Nine of Pentacles too, not who I am now rather who I should aspire to be. Full Bloom sounds about right :D

Coming back to original post, I can say that whenever Temperance reversed shows up I almost always know my best friend is going through some emotional upheaval and then I pull a card asking why. If I get the King of Swords, I know for sure before she tells me that it is a husband-wife thing. Pre motherhood she was Queen of Wands and now she comes across as Queen of. Pentacles. So, I guess what I am trying to say is that significators evolve, just as the people they signify do. Isn't always set in stone :)