Dragon Tarot -- The Wheel of Fortune X


Dragon Tarot by Peter Pracownik

From the Little White Book:
X THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE - The Great Dragon Oroborous lies coiled around a glyph of the Zodiac. His tail is in his mouth, showing us that the creative force of the universe is self-sustaining. On the great wheel we see the signs of the zodiac, indicating the evolutionary process in which each of us is partaking. on the ground, we see a huge compass, hinting at the magnetic and other cosmic lines of force running through the earth, 'Dragon' or 'leylines.'

Divinatory Meaning - Abundance, faith, opportunity.
Reverse meaning - Exaggerated expectations

The Wheel of Fortune card boasts one of the few atypical dragons in the set- it's a bluish white, almost misty dragon entwined about a wagon wheel with each of the horoscope signs represented. Like the description says, it bites its own lnegthy tail. Its body is remeniscent of vapour- just like luck, it can be gone in an instant, though it seems to have a kindly stare for the card's bearer. Below is the compass as a reminder that our lives can change just as easily as the winds chage direction. It's a card of fluidity. It is ruled by Jupiter and two glyphs appear on either side of the bottom of the card.

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Zodiac - The sign of the Zodiac indicates the evolutionary process each of us is partaking in order to achieve heightened spiritual awareness.

Compass - The compass on the ground hints at the magnetic and other cosmic lines of force running through the earth, ‘Dragon’ or ‘Leylines.’ At times referred to as ‘Dragons’ Rivers.

Dragon - ‘Ouroboros’ Dragon King of time; coiled around the Zodiac whilst holding his tail in his mouth, shows us that the creative force of the universe is infinitely self sustaining.

Triple Name

Testamentum - Testament
Quabbalah - Kabbalah
Fortuna - Fortune

The Card

From the image of Yod resembles a closed hand with a finger pointing out from it. This is interpreted as a male forefinger. Meaning that though this system is a closed one there is always room for change, or higher spiritual or mental development. The faint glow behind the zodiacal wheel is the cosmic life force, or the compass pointing to the aura borealis.

The four cross quarters, and four cross points of the compass N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW represent the four crosses To Dare, To Keep Silent, To Know, To Will. The Grand illusion is the axle of the great wheel. It appears to never change which is the illusion of matter. The wheel itself sometime referred to as the ‘World’s Mill’, grinds everything, assimilates everything, and prepares everything, raising one thing, while lowering another, as a true Rota. Leaving nothing immovable except the illusion of its axle bearing the name (idea of) matter.

The Quabbalah, or Kabbalah word should not be connected to the Jewish Nation, but the Kabbalah or Quabbalah belongs to everyone who is able to learn and use it, no matter the nation to which one belongs.