Dream re: Soul Cards


This topic can fall into dreams and oracle decks! :)
I had a dream where I was doing a reading on someone, and I was using the Soul Cards! (odd b/c I don't own them, have never read w/ anything but Tarot).
I don't remember all the cards in the spread, but I do remember the outcome card looked like a big white face, eyes closed, hairless, and the forehead/cranium was lightly veined to look like a leaf.
Is that even a card in the Soul Cards deck? What do you think it means?


i think it may mean it's time to get some soul cards, lol.

i have soul cards 1. there are several cards with white faces and no hair. many if not most of the cards have leaf veining or leaf prints on them. some have eyes closed. i can't find one specific card in my deck that has all of these. perhaps it is in soul cards 2.

the cards do not come with standard meanings. you read the meaning into them yourself.


What a lovely art motif that you dreamed. I hope your experience with such things continue in a magical way.

I have always enjoyed transfiguring art---the particular image that you mentioned actually reminds me a little of the cover of the Osho Tao Oracle of changes, the cheek of the face.


My personal drawings/paintings have the leaf or feather patterns near the hair, in profile or around the cheeks and forehead. That way people who see it aren't unconsciously disturbed by anything covering the mouth or eyes---one of the greatest fears of people in mask-making classes is when they are not warned that the eyes, nose or mouth are to be covered.

If you do end up working with touch drawing and soul cards, I'd enjoy hearing about your experience.

Best wishes,

Mari H.