Dreaming about Tarot - 4 of Cups


I had a very stressful night sleep the other night and had many vivid dream (a lot with stressful events) but I remembered I kept dreaming/thinking about the 4 of cups and I had to remember to see what it meant.

Has this happened to others and do you think the card significant?


its funny that you mention that, because a week ago I had dreamt of the 2 of cups, and the Initials D.C. which happen to be my ex's initials...

I have no idea what your dream means I just thought I'd share a similar experience ;)


Well I'm glad Im not alone. :)


No, you're definitely not! I dreamed once I was the woman on the Gaian Tarot Star, then I dreamt of the High Priestess card once, and once about the knights, and which animals represent them best.

I find these dreams are very insightful, both tarot-wise, and in regard to my own life. It helps a lot with reading the symbolism and archetypes, and seeing how tarot mirrores in my reality.


I agree... I looked up the meaning and felt it reflected my life at the moment (and with great guidance). Loving the messages I am receiving through tarot. :)