Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles...


I'd love some insights:

Lately, every time I pull cards for any issue or situation I get the 8 of pents. Does this speak to a deeper issue? I know the 8/p relates to work and craftsmanship and skill, but how can that relate to a deeper issue?



Hi FaerieStorm

I think this could highlight your putting something off that needs to be looked at carefully or need to tie up loose ends in a situation. Maybe telling you to make an extra effort????

Just my thoughts


Hi Faerie Storm

I have to agree what Rachey says here. Also, I tend to look at it getting a simple pleasure of doing the mundane things, sure it may seem very boring, and very repetitive, but surely there must be something that you enjoy about it. I guess, also, this can be extended to want to keep working on something to get a perfect end result.

I think the key point here, is to notice that something that maybe not working that well, but something you want to maintain, so you need to put in the extra effort so it does work well. This could be in respect to relationships, which could be both of a friendship and a romantic nature. For example, it could indicate that the relationship has grown stale and stagnant, and there is a possibility that the relationship could be under some threat, so if it is in the sense of a romantic relationship perhaps it means trying to make more time to be with your partner, and doing that little bit extra do bring back the passion, such as making an effort to go out on "dates", helping your partner out more around the house, buying flowers, all those sort of things that you may have done at the beginning, but you don't do anymore. Does that make sense?


earth en lady

Hiya Faerie storm
I like to see the eight of swords as gaining mastery over our lives and when all the routine stuff is in place finding joy and peace and meditation from working all our tasks (I think sportspeople call it in the zone)
Best wishes