Ever got answers that you didn't understand at the time?


I am not sure how to ask this but ever asked the cards a question, like general past, present, future reading, got an answer, you thought it was talking about one thing but it was talking about something else?

I remember some months ago, just before the Christmas holiday, I just bought the Animal Tarot Cards, and wanted to do a general past, present, future spread. The future said "Take care of yourself, give yourself time to heal". I was healthy, feeling fine. I thought the future card meant, talking about how to take care of myself emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

A week later, I got the stomach virus. I had to take care of myself, which wasn't fun and I had to rest a lot.

I still like to wonder if the cards somehow or my guides or what have you, just knew I was going to get sick instead :p Ever happened to you? I must be really connected to the cards then :)

I remember one time when I first used Rider Waites, I asked if I would go to work tomorrow, I got the death card (I was not feeling well-stomach flu), next day, I got death card in the present (or past spot, can't remember).


yes! i cannot remember specific examples, but sometimes when i read for myself i recall cards from the reading for a few days afterwards, as different layers of meaning and understanding sink in.

now i take photos of spreads i do for myself so i can remember the cards i get when i need to, as i may take my time piecing things together.... :)


Yep. Had it happen a few times.

When my dog died after we thought he was going to be okay. :(

When we found out our nephew's wife was pregnant with the next generation of grandkids. :D

Lots of times I've gotten readings and thought "Hmm" at the time, and then later gone "Ah, now I get it." :p Luckily I write down all my readings and keep them for a year or so, so I can go back.


Sometimes Cards offer us warnings or insight into a future event but we don't know it will happen until after it happens........ That is why I always write down my readings to read back on and go ohh yeah that has now happened... ohhh that is what that meant.....

or ohh I see I made some changes so that didn't happen that way ... it could of if I had not made the changes i needed to......if i had not listened to the insight I was given......

or I wish I had listened to what I was being told then That would not have happened.. I could of made the neccessary changes .......

so yes.... it happens....


A week later, I got the stomach virus. I had to take care of myself, which wasn't fun and I had to rest a lot.

I still like to wonder if the cards somehow or my guides or what have you, just knew I was going to get sick instead

Of course. That's what Tarot is for, to let you know what lies around the bend.

(Many people claim *I'm* round the bend!)