Faerie Humor..

September Pixie

My little faeries are at it again! Last night while dancing with my husband barefoot (don't ask! lol) he some how managed to step on my toe and nearly take the entire toenail off my big toe! (I'll spare you the gory details :) ) So this afternoon.. I began to smell this odd smell of incense (for lack of a better description).. and I thought.. hey that smells like the paper in my Faeries Oracle (they have an odd smell of myrrh and sandalwood, and I have NEVER stored them with incense!!) so I went over there and quickly shuffled and asked "Would anyone like to talk?" and who should I pull up? Ffaff the Ffooter... lol I started laughing right away... hes holding the SAME foot (top foot) that I injured!

He reminded me that my husband feels responsible so I should take some time today and relax with him and do something special to let him know it was an accident and I don't blame him... rest both my spirit and my body but don't use this as a time to slack off either!! and Ffaff quickly said "Hi!! Why do you think I popped in here?" thick with faerie laughter.. anyone else have similar tales to share? :)


That was a very funny story, September Pixie! The fey are really in on what´s going on.
Hope the foot is better.


That was a lovely story September Pixie. The faeries are really naughty and cute. They really amaze me at times..:)


Yeah -- the little rascals can be like that!!! :D

I was working on a tarot study 2 weeks ago, and I was to write about the Chariot. So, I thought about it but never really worked on the assignment. Kept putting it off. On my mind, but didn't write anything in my notebook - the one I made up just for this study course.

So a couple of days ago I walked by my "stash" of decks and saw the Fey (not Froud's, but faery non the less) and decided to ask if anyone had anything to say to me just then. Shuffled for a moment, and drew .... ..... the Chariot!!

Yeah - those guys know just what to say when you need to hear it!! :laugh:

Gotta love 'em!