Faeries deck

Janice Rhodes

When i first got my deck....
I went to this bookshop and i was drawn to this deck of cards
i ignored it ..it happened 3 times the last time it was so strong i had to buy them. i just love them i have never seen such a beautiful deck and always spot on in a reading


Congratulations on "hearing the call" and getting this wonderful deck, Janice! It's one of my favorites, as well.

Ruby Red Slippers


Mine too Astraea! Since I got this deck the faeries have been with me everyday, helping, prodding, talking, reminding me of things! They are great Companions!

I hope you learn to love this deck as so many here have! :)


I haven't got this deck yet but I am going to first thing tomorrow. I had the stragest dream this week about the deck. I was in a small shop looking for a book when I was down under the shelves I found an open box with the deck of cards in it but the corresponding book was not. As I searched under and behind everthing on the shelves, I found not only the book but a folded piece of paper which I knew instinctively was amap but I woke up before seeing what the map was about. I know that it was a message that I must get this deck and search for the land of the Faeries. Sounds strange I know, but I must find the answer.

Looking forward to my quest.



Janice, wonderful news that your Faeries have arrived home, safe and sound. Now, watch your world begin to get ... playful. ;) And, please do share your thoughts on the book's openning exercises in the threads here as well!

Dexter, wow! You've got the Call. I highly suggest you get this deck. They're talking to you!!! :) You won't regret it.