Family Tree Relationships Spread


I liked a spread I saw before, I think on here, in which Card 1 represents the Querent, Card 3 the other person, and Card 2 the relationship between them. So I thought, why not expand it to a family tree? There is a card for each family member, and there are cards between the family members representing the relationships between them. The spread can be modified depending on number of family members and/or what family members are the focus.


* *
3 ** ** 6
* *
1 *****8****7

1. Querent
3.Relationship between Querent and Mother
5.Relationship between Mother and Father
6.Relationship between Querent and Father
8.Relationship between Querent and Sibling

I hope this makes sense. It was a little hard trying to type out the layout. Thoughts?


It makes sense to me! So don't worry about it. :)

Chimera Dust

I have a question about this one. Would the cards representing the individual people (not the relationships between them) be picked by you, or would they be randomly drawn from the deck? For example, when picking up the card representing myself, would I choose a card that I think represents me well or I draw it the same way as I would the relationship ones?

This seems interesting and I might try this! I've been looking for spreads that are more general just to practice more with my current deck, so I'd love to try this one.


I envisioned it as you draw cards to represent family members. but modify it if you like, of course! :)