FAQ: How To Embed Images In Oracles

Glass Owl

Good news! In addition to other areas of the forum, members now have the ability to post embedded images in Oracle Readings and Oracle Games! Unlike Attachments, an embedded image appears right in the post.

1) Take a photo.
2.) If necessary, use photo editing tools to resize/crop the image. Avoid using large images as will stretch the forum width and make it difficult to navigate.
3.) Upload the image to an image storage site such as Photobucket or TinyPic.
4.) Make note of the image's url.
5.) The vb code is [ img ] url of the image [ /img ] Remove spaces.

Here is an example:


Photo Details: This image is 700 pixels (wide) x 494 pixels (tall). I cropped and resized my original photograph using Paint.Net (a free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows) and then uploaded it to TinyPic.