Fire Tarot


Sell this deck to me! I leafed through it in a store but didn't quite connect with the art on the spot. I think I'd appreciate it with a little convincing. I'm looking for a radiant, fiery deck that emits power and confidence and dispels darkness and gloom, and the phoenix on the back really attracted me. Fire is one of my least attuned elements so I thought this deck might help bring me closer to it.

Le Fanu


I'll try.

I love it. I think it's a gorgeously energetic, mythical deck, replete with all the legends of the birth of fire depicted in scorching hues.

It is beautiful to look at, sensual, homoerotic (I say that because I see from your signature that your current deck is the Gay Tarot so this factor might chime with you). I love its sensuality and depictions of maleness.

However, it is inevitably a little lob-sided from the elemental point of view. I don't actually find it an easy deck to read with. Bit of a struggle if you try to shoe-horn into - not even RWS, just tarot.

But I would definitely recommend it, no doubt whatsoever. One of the best LoS decks of recent years, visually/iconographically speaking. Honestly. If you search on my blog there's a review somewhere. I may have changed my mind since posting as I don't read with it so often but I do keep going back to it and loving it.


Gosh - I'm enabled, and I wasn't even looking at it!


Thank you! I read the Cabinet post and it's very enlightening! I hadn't expected the deck to take on that male erotic slant but I can see why. It neither heightens nor hinders my interest in it, but it's helpful to know. It certainly seems to fit the bill as a deck with a take charge, energetic dynamic that I'm looking for. I'll definitely consider buying it now.

And I agree in wondering whether new decks would be created for the other three elements. I would love to see a Tarot of Air. The way Fire is set up, taking two approaches of fire in global myth and fire as a practical tool used by humans, would work wonderfully for Air and the other two.