Football result spread!


Well my better half was intrigued to see if I can use my skills to predict football results and scores, so I came up with this seems to work :) A bit of fun on a Sunday afternoon anyway. I used Morgan Greer. I think it could be modified for any sport...

7*8 Final score
5*6 Defense/goalie
3*4 Attacking
1*2 Strategy/manager

Home team are 1,3,5,7
Away team are 2,4,6,8
Referee influence could be 9th wildcard if desired

Compare 1 v 2, 3 v 4 etc to see how each pair of cards does in competition

I have predicted AV to win by one goal over Spurs...!!


Well I got the result totally wrong :neutral: but hey, I did foresee the fighting :laugh:


I´m not into sports much but this looked like an interesting spread and we didn´t have anything like this in the Tarot Spreads Index -so it has now been added. :thumbsup: I actually added a whold new sub-category for Sports. (It´s under "Everyday Life" in the Index)