Freedom, love and truth....?


Hi every body,

I drew three cards for freedom ,love and truth.
The Hanged Man, Ace of Pentacles and 2 of Cups.

How can we portray The Hanged Man for freedom.As it says you have to have patience at the moment and surrender yourself for the positive cahnges.
But how can we connect with freedom?

And second card Ace of Pentacle tells the love for material world.Love for being practicle and logical.

And third card for truth is 2 of Cups. Means may be the spiritual connection between the two persons is the truth.

I am confused how i should predict these cards.
Needs your guidance.


Freedom can come from total surrender and sacrifice so yes the hanged man is very appropiate here.

I dont fully understand what you are asking the cards to show you to be honest.

It looks like you have love on your mind though! :)


ranibhalla said:
Hi every body,

I drew three cards for freedom ,love and truth.
The Hanged Man, Ace of Pentacles and 2 of Cups.

How can we portray The Hanged Man for freedom.
Think metamorphosis,the caterpillar gives up its old identity while nestled in its cocoon,and then when the time is right,it flies off freely as a butterfly.
As Sade says,not too sure exactly what your question is here so I wouldn't really like to say much on them cards.

ana luisa

Freedom - looking at things in a different way may bring you a sense of freedom and enhance creativity.

Love - put love and enthusiasm and interest in things that are just "starting". It's not because they are new or not fully developed that they do not deserve your full commitment. And, as a VERY positive card, it seems once you're really into something, the chances of it growing, developing and blooming are very big.

Truth - Be who you are and show that to people you love and want a true connection with. Be true to them and to yourself.



Thanks every body for your views.


Hanged Man When we study we need to make sacrifices, but ultimately education sets us "free" from the yoke of servitude.


freedom - the Hanged Man
The lesson here is: to get freedom you must sacrifice (willingly).
For example, money gives you freedom, but you must give up 8 hours of your day to not doing what you want, and 2 hours to commuting. Love gives you freedom, but you must sacrifice doing what you want and think about needs of your partner, Etcetera.

love - Ace of Pentacles
A new, very promising relationship is coming. Perhaps you may look for it in your workplace or in another place of business. Go out and meet some people, make yourself available for a fresh start. It'll be good for you.

truth - 2 of cups
The truth is: sharing is caring, it could be fun!
Don't forget to share! Share your resources, share stories about your life, share your emotions. If you want friendships and relationships to develop, you must give of yourself and be very open to outside opinions, tolerant to others' thoughts, and receptive of their influences.


I drew three cards for freedom ,love and truth.
The Hanged Man, Ace of Pentacles and 2 of Cups.
The Hanged Man: You can only truly be free when you march only to the beat of your own drum and move to your own spiritual tune.

Ace of Pentacles: A new job or relationship holds the potential for new love. This will be a gift...not a necessity.

Two of Cups: Your truth may come when it resonates not only within yourself, but also with another person, as well. You may find that you must meld two different ideals to form your one basic truth.


Yes i understand Sade and Fostha that question is not clear here but one of my friend asked me, just tell me about Freedom, love and truth. and told her what the cards indicated.
Then afterwards i put the same 3 things here in the forum to get more knowledge and different points of views for My knowledge and enlighten myself more.
and i am grateful of every one here to throw light on the said topic.