From the Chariot to Temperance


About 7 or 8 years ago I did a relationship spread (My relationship with myself….higher self ….significant others etc etc) The card I pulled for my relationship with God was The Chariot. Today I tried the same spread and pulled Temperance in that position .

I guess I'm wondering how the relationship is progressing.

The chariot always struck me as a tricky kind of dynamic. At the time I saw myself as somewhat conflicted (the horses ) in my beliefs and having a hard time reconciling some of the differences. The Temperance card feels much calmer, again there are 2 elements (as the horses) which are different to each other, perhaps seeming contradictions, BUT can now co exist in much greater harmony than was ever possible before - or leastways without the sheer effort of will to make it such !

I like the numerology here too - the doubling of 7 to 14 : it feels like progress - tho' if I take 14 to 5, the Hierophant, a conventional kind of progress ! I guess my spirituality is not so maverick :)


Hi Samantha,
Thanks for sharing your spread. I found your cards very interesting, and the message seemed quite beautiful.

Chariot - focusing on creating a balance while attempting to prevent bifurcation within yourself. Having your actions being inspired from an elevated consciousness.

Temperance - finding synthesis and an equal/appropriate measure of all things in order to create a new whole; and doing so with grace.

Numerology 7 ----> 5:

spirituality and introspection ------evolving into--------> adaptability & change

I found these cards quite beautiful as an answer to your questions. Wishing you many blessings.


Thanks for replying to this thread Scibility. I'd meant to reply, it slipped my mind and then went out of my mind.

Another way to look at the 7/14 connection is through the

3x7 Layout


Cards 1-7 represent the Body and are Powers and Potencies
Cards 8-14 represent the Mind and are Laws or Agencies
Cards 15-21 represent the Spirit and are Conditions or Effects

That puts the Chariot on the level of the body, so forming a physical connection with religion (forming a reconciliation). And Temperance is on the level of the Mind, so once the reconciliation of the Chariot has been completed, the focus moved to investigating (considering might be a better word) religion and its role in your life.

Both cards are at the end of those cycles. So unless there's some regression, you should be moving into a more spiritual phase in your relationship to religion.

Another part of the 3x7 Layout is looking at the relationships of the columns of cards, which are read as "The powers/potencies of (card) work through the laws/agencies of (card) to modify the conditions/effects of (card)." So in this case, The powers/potenicies of the Chariot work through the laws/agencies of Temperance to modify the conditions/effects of The World.



Thanks for replying to this thread Scibility. I'd meant to reply, it slipped my mind and then went out of my mind.

Another way to look at the 7/14 connection is through the

3x7 Layout
You're welcome Rodney :) Thanks for sharing your interpretation of her cards as well. I always learn helpful insights from your posts. Have a great day.


From having disagreements and tug of wars to a more calm period. You two are compromising more.


Thank you both for your thoughts and insights.

Scibility : Thanks for reminding me that 5 includes the energy of *adaptability*, its a
good key word here and one which I forget as i think I tend to give the 5's (in tarot at
least) a hard rap !

rodney: I have the book about Karmic Tarot by William Lamney, its not to hand at the moment but I remember some of his premises were also based on this 7,14,21 division. I thought the ideas about the cycles that we pass through interesting and I remember being struck by some specifics as they seemed to resonate quite well for me. Thanks for bringing this to mind again, I will go find the book when I can :)

The really odd thing is that after posting here I suddenly (and synchronistically?) remembered that I had had cause to focus on the numbers 7 and 14 before. The first time was in 2003 ! After a lot of effort I managed to track it down. As you will see if you read it, I got some great ideas then from AT members. Mimers post (now) especially strikes a chord, so I thank her for that. ((((((Mimers))))))