Fun Ebay find!


The description is way too long for me to properly translate it, so I threw it into google translate ..... but this gave me some giggles:

The Message Of Your Pet

A little help to our beloved pets to communicate.

The result is this little card set with our dog. We gave very extensively with Tarot and oracle cards, and he ran to and fro restlessly, lay down, we looked sharp, it was back on, pushed us, but we have not understood him. He wanted to tell us something, but we could not understand.

As he jumped up and covered tail wagging two cards. Amused at his goings we looked at the messages.

- How fitting! --

Still quite absorbed in this news, came the thought: why are there no tarot cards for animals? - That was it, exactly the information that our dog we wanted. Because when we were pronounced, he went to his room and laid out his satisfaction.

Thus, these 50 cards with tips for man and animal, for a better mutual understanding, and as a basis for a loving communication.

How do I work now with these cards?

Intuitive is always the best! Perhaps so: a moment to rest. Making life just push aside, the cards are mixed and on a question to focus on. Quite spontaneously draw a card and they on you. That is not enough? Then pull one more card on this issue and feel it. - The first notion of this is usually the right one.

Keep your pet the cards out, it will give the right message. Or spread out the cards on the ground and allow the animal to discover the card.
You can also use your pet with one hand and touching with the other hand, draw a card. - Let your imagination run free. To do so playfully around.
It is, as always, very simple.

The signs given to us is a symbol of protection for the animals. And on the back of the paw of the "inventor" to be seen.

Now we wish you and your companion love a lot of joy and a lot of new understanding in the "conversation" with each other.

We welcome feedback, suggestions, opinions and experiences.

The delivery includes a card set of 50 individual storage bag included and description.

The cards are made to order. The expression is done on 120g heavy paper.


  • Picture 5.jpg
    Picture 5.jpg
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I like the idea ! It is a pity they don't show the cards closer - as far as I can see there is a small picture and a text on the first card but I cannot even see one card clear enough to see what it says. Still, for 8 euros you cannot really go that wrong :) (but you have to know German to appreciate it I think ;))


WolfSpirit said:
I like the idea ! It is a pity they don't show the cards closer - as far as I can see there is a small picture and a text on the first card but I cannot even see one card clear enough to see what it says. Still, for 8 euros you cannot really go that wrong :) (but you have to know German to appreciate it I think ;))

I am thinking about buying it... I knew You'd love it!
It has funny little stuff on it... like



I think this is more an "Oracle" to give the owners some extra satisfaction for their pet handling.

It would be like having a set of tarot cards, and instead of the traditional meanings it would say

Hey! You're hair looks great today!

Did you lose weight?

Jeans are very flattering for your skin tone.

Damn, your new car is HOT!

haha... actually this would make a funny tarot, now that I think about it ... ; )


I think it's hillarious and quirky but, all in all it's all good and innocent fun.