Future Relationship Spread



When looking through the topic I found that I couldnt find one specific spread to help me answer my "question" so I thought id make my own and it turned out well.

Its a 5 Card Spread. The "questions" I associated with each card are as followed:

Future Relationship Spread

Card 1: When will this person come into out life (aka when the querent is happy, have enough finances ect)
Card 2: How/Why will we meet? (aka through a friend, through work ect
Card 3: Will the relationship work? If so, How?
Card 4: Does he/she have any secret baggage?
Card 5: The Outcome

I then had the spread layed out like so:


If anyone need any clarification of how my spread works or has any questions, just let me know and I shall help :)


Good spread..

When I do When questions, I do them the way you have it here. I would suggest tho that you either add a card for "when will this person come into my life" as in 'you' are happy, have enough finances etc. or change 2.

I would also reword 3 to just how will the relationship work as Yes/No answers tend to be problematic, confusing and subjective when using tarot.

Again I would reword 4 maybe to secret baggage... most people do have baggage even if it is hidden even from them.. maybe rewording tho 'things I need to keep in mind in relation to 3'

Blessings Dolphin_Dreamer