Going clubing-king of wands rx


i need a make out sesh and will be going clubbing this weekend

i asked what my experience will be like and got king of wands reversed.

other than that i won't get what i wanted, what else could king of wands reversed indicate.

could it be uncontrollable passion, lack of passion, any ideas?


Moderator Note

hermit-IX, is this another one card reading? If so, it needs to be moved to Your Readings where all complete readings (be they one card or the whole deck) need to be discussed. In UTC, you may list and/or discuss up to half of the cards from a reading.


well if anybody cares, it didn't end up happening.
the girls i was gonna go with were being very inconsiderate so i cancelled..

conclusion: king of wands reversed=inaction.


The King Of Wands can be a master of games. While you may think you'll be in control watch out because you might get the tables turned on you.