Goldstone feedback needed

ana luisa

What are the properties of the goldstone? I saw it at a shop selling for a fortune. It did look wonderful but I´m not so sure what it can be used for...
In fact, it is blue with sparkles in it. It looks much more moony to me.


There is a lot of info on Goldstone here on this site,
Hope this helps.


I'm famliar with 2 forms of goldstone. The most prevalent is the glass version described in the Wikipedia article. But there is also a goldstone or "sunstone" that is a peach feldspar with a lot of Schiller flash. Nomenclature for stones not very exact a lot of times.

Sounds like you saw the glass version in the store. The glass goldstone is generally either a deep rust red or very dark blue with glittering gold specks. The natural stone is mottled like a jasper, with striations of the Schiller flash.

I know a lot of folks work with the glass goldstone very succesfully as a healing crystal. The glass version shouldn't be too expensive, although it's price always surprises me. You might want to compare prices online with what you found in the store.

Blue goldstone works in a very similar manner to sapphire.


ana luisa said:
What are the properties of the goldstone? I saw it at a shop selling for a fortune. It did look wonderful but I´m not so sure what it can be used for...
In fact, it is blue with sparkles in it. It looks much more moony to me.

If it was very expensive then I suspect the blue goldstone you saw was actually natural iolite with sunstone and/or lepidochrosite included, that form of iolite is commonly called "goldstone" but that is a misnomer. It will have the properties of iolite and sunstone. If you handle it you will find it feels very slippery and will indeed slip out of your fingers very easily if you don't maintain a good tight grip on it. You might be able to confirm if that's what it is by looking at it with magnifying glasses on and turning it this way and that under a bright light, look for flashes of pink, green, blue, violet and red - also look for some streaks of white calcite in it, that's commonly included in there too.

As to the manufactured goldstone, (the melted silica glass with copper atomically bonded in it) - that will have all the properties of purified copper. The blue and the green goldstone are especially good for enhancing communication and for studying or focusing concentration, and the orange/coppery colored goldstone is highly energetic and excellent for boosting energy levels. Manufactured goldstone is one of the very few manufactured stones that actually has some 'spirit' and healing properties to it.

Briar Rose

There's a cute story about the goldstone. It was said that a monk accidently tripped and dropped copper into a vat of molten glass.

I love it. I love glass and copper.



I love goldstone also, I have two man made types - the gold one and the blue one, I found the blue one helped me on a very deep emotional level - which was a complete surprise I purchased it cause it looked 'nice' rather than to find healing and support from it ;) I learn something every day! I find the gold one is wonderful in supporting people who have lost hope to regain it..



Blue Goldstone

MCsea said:

I love goldstone also, I have two man made types - the gold one and the blue one, I found the blue one helped me on a very deep emotional level - which was a complete surprise I purchased it cause it looked 'nice' rather than to find healing and support from it ;) I learn something every day! I find the gold one is wonderful in supporting people who have lost hope to regain it..

I too have both and love them alot. I went to a jewelry making class and wanted to wire wrap my blue goldstone and no matter how I tried it wouldn't let me wrap it. When I finally got it wrapped all the energy was gone. I took the wire off and the energy came back. That was my lesson not to wrap it.
I carry themin a bag in my purse and they love it there.


silverwings94 said:
I too have both and love them alot. I went to a jewelry making class and wanted to wire wrap my blue goldstone and no matter how I tried it wouldn't let me wrap it. When I finally got it wrapped all the energy was gone. I took the wire off and the energy came back. That was my lesson not to wrap it.
I carry themin a bag in my purse and they love it there.

Dont you love how crystals 'tell' you what they need/want ;)

I think that these man made gold stones also support a feeling of confidence..
I never thought Id be able to work with these types of stones till I got them..
but I do :)


What is Goldstone?

Goldstone is a man made stone comprising of smelted Gypsum, Feldspar and Copper filings.

Originally a group of Benedict Monks from Italy created the earliest known examples of the substance we call Goldstone today. During the 1950's and 1960's Professor Sugi from Japan (Sugilite is named after the professor) helped the monks refine the process whilst creating 4 color varieties. The original colors developed were brown, bright yellow, bright green and blue. For some reason the green and yellow colors were dropped from production in the 1970's. Professor Sugi also developed methods of dyeing agate with the Brazilians. Most of today's Goldstone is made in China to higher standards than previously thought possible.

Goldstone promotes Optimism and Personal Development.

The nervous system is energized, tissue regeneration is enhanced. It helps one balance and stimulate the mind. Goldstone is both soothing and energizing!



I have to agre with you all on these beautiful stones. My Blue Goldstone almost looks purple. Its blue color is so deep. I carry them always and constantly hold them for their energy.