Greenwood tarot - 8 of stones


2 of stones - meeting
3 of stones - family
4 of stones - pregnancy
5 of stones - genera
6 of stones - feeding
7 of stones - healing
8 of stones - our Child is going to school

There is the pupil of the ancient times, at the beginning of the evolution, 3 lamps = 3 wands .

This pupil is gathering the experience of the Age of Pisces, 20 Goals, which will be reflected in the 21 st Century - Age of Aquarius. This work at the dawn of civilization, so the wizard behind his back is similar to the embryo and a monkey, it is – EVOLUTION of the human.
That is the meaning of cards _ TRANSFER OF EXPERIENCE THROUGH GENERATIONS. Transmitted and improved spiritual heritage.

Well the first thing I see - is that a student cuts a stone circle, he does the job, which he will honor the centuries, he draws a map of the starry sky, it is his intention and he succeeds.
That is, his cave drawing is a message to future generations, knowledge which rely on the experience of generations, it is Venus Mirror, which is paying a BELT and the sword of Orion. A red dot - is the star Sirius, Orion (red star), three small stone next to Sirius - the three stars of Orion's Belt. And the Cross - Sword of Orion. That is, map gives hope to future generations, the successful development of civilization, and points to the recurring cycles and the succession of generations, the cross indicates a new dawn of civilization, possibly at the Age of Aquarius. Cross, which knocks by the student is directed to the fish - (A fish - this is a sign of Christ).

Apparently - this is his first creative work, but it is based on already acquired skills and knowledge.
This means that the ancients had possessed knowledge about the situation of the stars and knew what impact they have on life on earth.
This figure shows Radiational cycle - spring and winter equinox, as well as the solstice. This is an ongoing natural cycle, measured and repeated from year to year. This is 8 pentacle - established system, consisting of repetitive cycles, measured, monotonous work, aiming at self-improvement.

Right now will think about it ....

Thus, the map depicts the historical evolution of the time (shells - a look into the past) - Spiral Shell goes counter-clockwise, that is - this is an indication of the lower material world. Target Age of Pisces (Fish) was the formation of man, his transition from monkey to man wise, he understands the secret of nature (a ghost), by means of natural flexinvest bank (2 eyes = 2 coins) and competition with the forces of nature (the hand with 5 fingers = 5 rods), for its own survival. Man had to learn, develop new and improve existing tools and create on their basis of new and better. The goat with a bow and arrows on the tip of the stone goat, directed towards the mammoth (Ace of Swords), the conquest of nature through the force.
the student body is covered in skin of goat, we see the goat picture on the stone with bow - an animal kills.
It was a vile world, material, where the man worked for the progress and survived at the expense of natural resources and destruction of other creatures (Mammoth).
The man refused to outdated rules and inventing new ones, it was the way to progress on the bones.

Map was cause for concern, as with our time, history repeats itself, you need to think about what legacy we leave our future generations, and this is an indication that a new world must be better, we must learn the lessons of the past and create something new the best possible it is better to be more spiritual. After Ace of Swords - is not only a victory of force over reason, but on the contrary, an indication that the intelligence and kindness should be the paramount in our subsequent zavoevaniyahv new era. Therefore, the reference to the coming of Christ 2.


Greenwood Tarot 8 of Stones

8 of Stones: Skill
The scene is a cave, where a crafts person - or Medicine person, aided by 3 shallow tallow lamps is chiseling a circular design into a dark stone slab.
This might be a depiction of the wheel of the year, a system / grid for divination or it might be some sort of a celestial map not unlike the Nebra disk or one of the many enigmatic engravings we find in the caves of the Ile-de-France.. ( extensively described by Marie König.)
The person is surrounded by rocks and boulders showing carvings and engravings from the dawn of man.
The most prominent one of them is the dancing Bison headed shaman from the Trois Freres cave, complete with his musical singing bow. (Mouth bows are some of the oldest instruments used by man)
The sonorous instrument may well provide the rhythm to which the person wields her hammer stone.
Above the Bison Dancer is a large spear head or - hand ax - depending what size we ascribe to this important neolithic tool.
Up further is the mighty head and rump of a Wooly Mammoth, the most formidable prey of early hunters and therefore often depicted in cave art.
Further along in the circle of symbols is a large ammonite fossil, witness to the earliest beginnings of Earth history and due to its shape a coveted adornment for neolithic people; no doubt because of its circular shape.
Next an enigmatic lozenge shaped shield - or is it a fish-?? It is adorned with a rather typical entoptic grit symbol.
I - and most other Medicine people often see it at the beginning of theta trance. Pictograph and petroglyph and even geoglyphs of this one are found all over the world - from Siberia to Norway , in the Sahara, in Australia and in both Americas.
Often it is interpreted as a rib cage or as a tree, that serves as a form of ladder for the shaman to climb up into the Upper World. ( See also the Ironwing Tarot card 5 of Blades!)
Below this Tree of Life and knowledge are 3 double circles with red= life centers. They remind me of the 3 shamanic realms - Upper, Middle and Lower World - but other sacred trinities like Maiden, Mother Crone or body, mind, soul also come to mind....
Next we see the profile of a powerful Venus figure as they were found in abundance in and around Eastern Europe denoting the Goddess and her fertility and fecundity.
Then there is - a Ghost!?! - reminding us of all the dark unknown things that just might go “bump in a cave” like this one....
Even more intriguing however I find the handprint surrounded by a multitude of red dots.
This symbol reminds me of the Power Feeling and tingling that I feel, when I lay my hand onto the body of on of my clients and the Power surges from the Earth through me and into the patient. It swirrrrls and tingles red hot and spreads out .....

As crazzzzy as it might sound, the part of the scenery on the card that is lit yellow - - I see the shape of the continent of Africa in it. The cradle of humanity - according to the scientists....
Although we are deeeeeep in a cave, the zigzag below the ammonite reminds me of the mountain, where we go to seek vision and solitude - going to “sit” on a mountain top feels quite opposite to entering the cave - but shamans and people in search of deeper knowledge have done both with good success.
As I look at the scene on the card as a whole, it feels comfortable and familiar to me.
The key word is Skill:
The skill of the craftsperson, the skill of the musician, the dancer, the visual artist, the hunter, the skills of a shaman, the skills of a diviner, the skills of a woman and mother, the skills of a healer... They are all as old as the beginning of humanity - and still relevant today.

When, just now, my husband looked over my shoulder at the card he said: “looks like you, working upstairs.....”
Sounds crazzzzy but in a way .........!! :)


Here is a picture of the stylized Venus of Lespurge, carved from mamoth ivory from Haute Garonne, France,circa 25 000BCE


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