Have you ever heard of this book


Hi eveyone just wondering if any of you have ever heard of this book and if you had any thoughts on it. The book is called Spiritual Tarot Seventy-Eight Paths to Personal Development one of the many authors is Robert Mueller. I found it when I was doing a google search for new spreads. Have a great weekend :cool: and Blessings to all of you. :)


yes, i have it. are you looking for a copy or do you want to know what i think of it? :)


would love to know what you think about it Thank you :)


get it


i borrowed this one from the library a couple of years ago and bought it before i was finished reading it. in fact, it's kind of funny you bringing it up, 'cause i'm in the middle of re-reading it now.

here's a bit from the table of contents:

part 2--the major arcana

ch5--archetypal mysteries
the fool
ch 6--ten archetypal strengths and resources
ch 7--ten archetypal tests and dilemmas
ch 8--achieving unity
the world

part 3-- the minor arcana

ch 9-- minor arcana: ten growth opportuneties and four levels of maturity
ch 10-- pentacles: grounding the psyche
ch 11-- swords: fighting illusion
ch 12-- cups: feeling your way
ch 13-- wands: the spirit sours

part 4-- mapping it out
6layouts including a new slant on the celtic cross

part 5--reading the map

if you note, one of the unique things about this book is the order in which the minors are considered, the reverse of the norm

real,real good book. and you can probably order from a bookstore rather than pay shipping.



dragonfly, go w/ what steve said. it's been a while since i read my copy and i honestly can't remember anything about it!


Thank guys off to the book store I go. :) Have a great week
Blessings to you both. :)