Heirophant as a message


Hi all,

brainstorming the Hierophant as an urgent message
(Rider Waite)

So far I am thinking..

maybe someone has a bone to pick
("Now listen hear.. this is how things are going to go")

seeking advice or help
("I need your help" or "Hold up. We have a situation on our hands")

damage control

Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you in advance :)


well, I think that it can also depend on other cards around this card, if used in a spread. But, at the top of my head, I thought immediately of "Follow the given rules".

The HP

Check FaceBook.


"Obide by the rules or suffer the consequences"


I've had this before where the person has *ignored* a message and never responds back to you. In a sort of 'ha, I'll teach you a lesson!' sort of way. Of course, the person didnt stay mad for long ... but it still linked back to the authority/power aspect of The Hierophant.

I'm not sure if this relates to your question :( just my experience! :)


[ celticnoodle: well, I think that it can also depend on other cards around this card, if used in a spread. But, at the top of my head, I thought immediately of "Follow the given rules"]

Although I didn't do a spread for it and just a single flip to further elaborate on an important phone call that keeps coming up, (those cards were judgement and 8 of wands, Judgement i always get when some one is about to yell or get loud with me lol) but Yes I am getting this kind of vibe from it, I don't know why I had an odd feeling someone was going to call with a bit of a bossy demeanor. Thank you :)

[ Saradipity: Check FaceBook. ]

I always forget the simple meanings more modernized meanings the cards might be trying to say. He does kind of look like a man sitting in front of a computer screen at quick glance! lol Good thinking! Thank you :)

[bluelagune: "Obide by the rules or suffer the consequences" ]

I do feel that this is somewhere along the lines of it. I don't know why I felt a little bit intimidated when it came up as the reason for the message. Even though the hierophant usually makes me happy. It kinda stressed me out this time around. Thank you :)

[Libra289: I've had this before where the person has *ignored* a message and never responds back to you. In a sort of 'ha, I'll teach you a lesson!' sort of way. Of course, the person didnt stay mad for long ... but it still linked back to the authority/power aspect of The Hierophant.

I'm not sure if this relates to your question just my experience! ]

Yes!! This is my biggest worry is that since it was regarding a phone call coming up repeatedly that the cards were trying to give me a heads up. I really like your idea of "teaching you a lesson", i have looked at it as literally teaching a lesson as i usually see the heirophant as a teacher but not in a -persnickety- vindictive lesson teaching way which i could totally see now. I just asked who was going to call several minutes ago and got the king of swords reversed. I think I am in trouble lol Thank you for your input :)


I think King of Swords appeared for me too, if I remember correctly! Just know that his person is trying to make themselves heard and just wants to feel in control/a sense of authority for a while ... they usually mean no harm (in my case, they were just hurt). This isn't definite, if you make this person feel that their thoughts/feelings are valid and respect them ... they will soon forgive! The Hierophant is numbered 5 and fives are only temporary (5 of Cups/Wands, etc)