Help Identifying "Vintage" Rider Waite


Help Identifying Rider Waite

I recently bought this vintage rider waite and am curious if the copyright date of 1971 on the inside page of the LWB is indeed the right publishing date. I know that many decks say 1971 but I'm curious if anyone knows what date these actually come from? I also have pictures of the back and side of the yellow box and a couple pictures of the cards too. I'd appreciate any help identifying this deck. Cards/


That looks like a deck I bought new in the late 80's/early 90's. I'm sorry I can't be any more helpful than that.


rwcarter is the King of Rider-Waite publishing years :laugh: I'll send him a tootle to see if he'll come by.


Rodney will want the numbers on the inside front cover of the LWB - there will be a line of them....

10 9 8 - I THINK that means a third printing.


The 1971 date is when USG copyrighted the cards, not when they were printed. You have an 8th printing of the LWB. There's no evidence of any correlation between LWB printing and deck printing, but as there is no other available info concerning deck printing, it's the best way I can think of to determine deck printings.

Per Teheuti's thread, the 10016 zip code means that the deck was printed sometime between 1970 and 1975 since the cards don't have the copyright on them.