Help with a 3 carder


Hey guys! I did a three card spread for if this person (P) misses me...however I know sometimes Lenormand won't answer the specific question so perhaps this 3 carder gives insight on their feelings versus if they actually miss me??? At least this is my experience with wording Lenormand questions.
Here are the 3 cards I picked:

Lady - Stars - Ring

I am stumped a bit because Lady is facing nothing, she is away from Stars-Ring...
if this is about me I would say either P feels I am a creative, hopeful lady that is in a committed relationship? (I am not in a relationship for a few months now but P won't know that). But since Lady is not facing the cards I would say a woman that has turned her back on a committed exciting/hopeful relationship?
How would I read this combination. Any insight would be grateful :).
Thank You kindly.


For a yes/no question, there is a method of tallying up positive and negative cards in the spread to get the yes or no and then interpreting individual card meanings for details. I think it's from Rana George? Not sure where I saw it.

At any rate, I would say that yes, P misses you. Lady is neutral but Stars and Ring are both positive. Nuance-wise, I would say a Lady who guides or inspires (Stars) is committed or will be soon. I tend to rely more on the position of the card in the layout rather than the direction things are facing so I don't feel like the Lady is turning away from commitment. Ring could also indicate ingrained patterns. Is P someone you have known for a long time?


Hi, I've known him about three years now, so not a long time.
He keeps popping up in my dreams which is why I did a reading. We broke up and its probably one of the best decisions of my life for our breakup. But I do sense from my dreams there is something intuitive going on between us...not sure why though!
Oh yes I do this yes/no method too. Thanks for educating me :).
Thanks for your interpretation!


I would say you're a positive in this person's mind a lot. It's a positive line if cards, like the other person mentioned. That's a good sign!

Also, the cards could be telling you this person is recurrently (ring) in your dreams (stars)!


Good thoughts!
I thought Dreams too when I saw the stars card.
Thanks MissNine :).