Herbal Study group: I can breathe again!

Red Emma

Monday, March 22, 2004

Sinuses and eucalyptus-rosemary-steam

Spring sprung a little early in the Pacific Northwest this year. Last night our bedroom was so warm we opened a window right beside the bed. And today......sinus grief.

This winter I learned that that if a cold has stopped up my breathing passages, just apply a little eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils via steam.

I put a pan of water on the stove, when it's boiling sprinkle some eucalyptus and rosemary oils, then stand over the stove and breathe the steam for three or four minutes.

If I do this three or four times a day, my breathing passages show their gratitude by letting air through again.

It's great!


that's a great remedy! maybe i'll give it a shot cos of my allergies.

Red Emma



While the steam-eucalyptus method is good for clearing up air passages, it may not work for allergies. They're caused by a completely different problem. I understand that nettles sometimes work with allergies, but be very, very careful. In fact it might be a good idea to talk it over with a doctor, or nurse practictioner. There are quite good practicioners with an herbal background.

Lots of luck


thanks for the advice. i've had these allergies for as long as i can remember and was looking for a herbal remedy before i went to see a doctor. i'm pretty hesistant to put all those chemicals in my body.