How to ask?


Greetings, may the sweet sent of flowers give you happiness throughout the day.

Here I wanted to get feedback opinions into some readings specially questions. Usually you start by preparing your mind to visualize a question that needs an answer you and your client need to basically visualize the same thing or the same idea of what the question is for us to have an accurate read. I like to do my readings with sometimes more cards than needed just to have a better understanding of the situation the person I am reading to is going through. But sometimes as I read the cards to the client the story the tarot is telling me starts switching the question, this change is not a very significant change as to changing the whole meaning of the question but in a very subtle change of words that Do alter the meaning of the question. Whenever that happens I feel as if the cards are telling me what question to answer and that perhaps the answer to the first question was already answered and the deck is just giving me more for this person to consider.

I want to hear your thoughts on this and if anyone has experience with this type of interactions.

I'll try to come up with an example later because I don't like to publicly say questions that have been asked to my decks.

Please note I did not read any rules or guidelines to post threads I hope mods go easy on me for this and just add this thread to any ongoing one that has the same topic. :) thank you for reading guys.


I often find that the answer will take a turn not anticipated by the original question, or will give more detail on a "side-light" than on the main issue. I think it's just the nature of intuitive reading to go where the cards point. When this happens I make it clear to the querent that we're going off on a tangent and will ultimately try to weave it back into the main narrative. After long experience, I'm pretty comfortable with anything a spread throws at me. It's just a matter of "cracking the code."


I've found this to be a really common occurrence for me. Our lives are connected to many people, events, and memories. Sometimes, though a question is proposed, the desired understanding comes at the exploration of an idea or topic that doesn't seem to be part of it. This doesn't feel unnatural to me because I think there is much hidden in the shadow side of ourselves, deep within our subconscious, our hearts, etc. The cards can reflect these truths and help bring them to the surface. Other times it can mean that a vital puzzle piece has been overlooked and that piece holds direct impact on the situation at hand. Sometimes we just don't see the whole picture and tarot is a wonderful aid in expanding our view.


I think it's probably a matter of focus. If your focus is on a specific question, then it's not so easy to stray from the answer.

However, sometimes in the course of a reading, the sitter will respond to the cards by making a comment or asking a further question on some area of the same question and that can change things a little. I can't remember a time when the focus has entirely shifted. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, though. I just don't remember it if it did.


Well the interaction I had with the cards was very unexpected the question came from who to how and then to why. It was a great read I explained the client and asked if the change was real then it was made
It's been fun no matter what I bet you guys just made a good desicion in between.


Well the interaction I had with the cards was very unexpected the question came from who to how and then to why. It was a great read I explained the client and asked if the change was real then it was made
It's been fun no matter what I bet you guys just made a good desicion in between.