It has landed - My Death card


Sorry to tell you this, but my Death moment came today and not last week as I had thought.

I had some business with my ex to do with this house. My ex cancelled the meeting with the bank yesterday and did not tell me, I went into the bank only to be told he had cancelled it. I tried calling him to no avail, left some messages to say I am at the bank where are you? Sent some text messages and also two emails.

Today after lunch he got the police to call me to say that he had reported me for harassment. I had done nothing wrong at all. The police agreed with me that there was no harassment of any such kind and that he could not and they would not deal with the harassment complaint. At all.

I am devastated. I had done nothing wrong the police said so and yet there he was trying his damndest to get me into trouble. I cannot tell you how upset I am about this.

I swear to the ends of time if there is a God then I hope he takes note of this and understands that my ex's karma (with his phillandering and lying and cheating) makes sure that it is delivered back on him three fold. I do not want that karma to come by my hand in any way. I hope that someone else deals the deed.

I just need to get away. I am so desperate to sell this flipping place. No, this is the Death card today and I although it has been there for months, I so know that I did not deserve this.


Aw, Lorraine, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of that. Don't forget that the Death card also indicates something new being born from the decomposition created by Death.

Perhaps it's just the death of thinking you could amicably work together.

Good luck.


Well it's over now and now things will get better...for you...and likely worse for him.
The Death card just means the end to something, hopefully it means you're rid of him.