justice as advice card


i drew one card to answer a question *what should i do* and got justice

i used the fey tarot

well at first it threw me a little because it seemed to bounce the question back at me as if to say - you have to make a decision

yeah great LOL - i don't know what i should do thats why i picked a card to help

then i started to read thebook that came with this deck and it talked about this card being about spiritual justice and not of the material world

it talked about not judging other people but that we do what we have to do and have to bear in mind there are consequences and that that time is nearing

ok, fine

would you think this card prompts me to think about the pros and cons of either decision?or

could it mean that natural justice will sort out my problem so i should just wait things out and not make a decision?

i tend to incline with my first thought that its my responsibility to make a certain decision with full awareness of all the facts and stuff and willing to take the consequences of that decision

hmmmm, this is a card about maturity and being grounded in the real world as well i guess

and that this card does not give you any answers - it puts the onus on you!

sorry if its in the wrong forum, mods pls move if so


star-lover said:
i tend to incline with my first thought that its my responsibility to make a certain decision with full awareness of all the facts and stuff and willing to take the consequences of that decision
i would go with this reading. i think it also means that you have to consider other people who might be involved and think of whether your decisions will be fair on them.


BrightEye said:
i would go with this reading. i think it also means that you have to consider other people who might be involved and think of whether your decisions will be fair on them.

thanks brighteye

the chips are down for me now lol - they always have been but tonights the night as they say lol

i hate making major decisions

i'm so crap at it - but thinking back on my life - i never had any problem so many times - i always made the right one - mostly - not always

i just need a bit of input before i finally do decide - last chance saloon stuff then its off to getting old retiring and accepting your lot - whatever lol


I think the card is also telling you that you need to step back and try to take a balanced and reasoned approach to making your decision - consider all the evidence.


It could also be telling you to take responsibility for things related to this that you've done in the past.

Justice is about Universal balance or Karmic balance, it reminds you that your actions have a effect on your future - you reap what you sow or what you get out of something will be equal to the effort you put into it.

Maybe this card is encouraging you to realise that the situation you are in now is a direct result of your own actions so to change things you should look back at how you've acted in the past and change the pattern.


Sulis said:
Justice is about Universal balance or Karmic balance, it reminds you that your actions have a effect on your future - you reap what you sow or what you get out of something will be equal to the effort you put into it.
I was going to say what Sulis said...that Justice is related to Karma.

You often see written about this card that it indicates that "The Right [and Balanced] Thing Will Happen"...but it is often the right thing based upon your own previous actions. In other words, karmic payback in a way.

So, if you pulled this card for a "What should I Do?" question, it may be reminding you that whatever you do, you will eventually answer for it somehow...so be aware of your actions today, as they will effect (balance out) your tomorrow.


thanks everyone ive taken what you said on board

i made the almighty decision and i think was the right one to the best of my ability and stuff - made a decision for ME

i hope the fey was right to guide me to this and im sure she was

anyway i made a decision and i wont go back on it this time
thats got to be good
