Kaplan reference to Bilder Zum Tarot


Now that I finally have my Bilder Zum Tarot...:)
Apparently Kaplan wrote something about it in one of his books...does anyone know which book it is?

I think it might have been Volume III, but if someone has this book I'd appreciate confirmation (I haven't been able to find a copy of the book around to look it up myself) as I'm interested in what was written about it.



Yes, its in Vol III, page 551

"German artist Helmut Wonschick made twenty-two Major Arcana in pen and ink and published the cards in 1984 in a limited edition of 1000 sets. The deck has one extra card, on which a poem using the names of the Major Arcana is printed. The designs of Wonschick's tarot can be interpreted only through imagination and free association. They are like totem poles of the unconscious. Symbols, objects,plants, animals, humans and creatures that are neither animal nor human are layered in sculptural, vertical forms. Many of the cards present a different, and complete, image when viewed upside down. The backs of the cards have a scrolling border around a blank white space which represents a mirror."



Thank you! :) It's an unusual deck with very little information about it.