Knight of Penticles


What is the red area meant to be on the Knight of Penticles it looks like water to me but why is it red. I'm colouring my own RW deck and don't want to do them wrong colour unless I think a different colour would be best.


I believe it is a ploughed field.
Pentacles being the symbol for the element of Earth.


Yes, I agree with Sulis- I've always thought it was a ploughed field.

I believe that this is why this Knight's horse stands quietly- he is waiting for the seeds that have been planted to germinate and take root; he is patiently contemplating his Pentacle for insight and guidance... not a card of action, (although Knights are 'active' - but in this case he's done the work... ie. the sowing has been done) so now he waits to see what comes of it.



"Red earth" is a type of soil with a lot of iron compounds in it. It is also another name for the Philosopher's Stone. If you Google "red earth"+"philosopher's stone" you will find a lot of info.