Lenormand Astro Mythological : the understanding is in the Mythological


I'v buy a book on it and it's verry instructive (Understanding and interpret the big games of mlle lenormand by corinne morel "in french" ), with it i can see that each figures are a part of the Greco Mythological,
example on the 3 of spades we see that 3 godess called the parques are the karma, they are the life and the dead,

Clotho do the wire of the life (born)
Lachesis unroll the wire (life)
Atropos cut the wire (Dead)

on the little picture we see at the right Atropos who cut the wire and at the left Lachesis who unroll the wire.
So if you get this card and you see the right pictures before the left it means problem of wealth, need to take care of yourself
if you see the left pictures before the right it means good wealth, you have great healing possibilities.

btw a must have book to understand this games (badly i don't know if there's an english version)

I wonder if there's others oracle that thave mythological story behing thes cards ?
so easy to remember and understand the pictures this way.

someone else use this games ?

Love, Light & Power


Other Astro Fable-style, but 78 cards, not like this

1. This is a different system, not so elegant:


2. There is one English playing card deck called Hodges' Astronomical cards, but I do not believe they use the same constellations:


3.I have another deck with 48 cards, they are French by Georges Muchery. They go by old fashioned decanates. Some of the meanings superficially are so dreary that I believe you would want to be an astrological chart caster to find a positive balance!

4. I'm going to return to the Lenormand soon...I gave mine up a few years ago, because it's only now in 2005 that I enjoy Sybilline decks...when I do get it, I will compare it with a Greek-inspired 52-card Sybilline deck by Tavaglione that I found good for reading.

Thanks for the information, I see the Astro-Fable French book available--I've never bought it before, as I didn't know anyone who read it.

The Astro Leonormand deck looks like the most elegant and I look forward to exploring the internet more to find out about it....there may be more out there this year.

