Libra full moon ~ March 25

isthmus nekoi

Libra Full Moon | 3:58pm EST

This spring is coming in like a lion with this year's Libra full moon with a strong emphasis on air and fire signs. This is a time to communicate, take charge and use that fiery drive to follow through with earlier plans. Don't sit back and daydream this lunation - get out there and work with all the busy energy heating up the skies!

As this lunation follows the spring equinox, love or at least, lust is in the air as Mars and Venus, the depositors of our sun-moon conjunction, forming a friendly sextile. Venus also conjuncts the exalted sun and opposes the moon in her sign - these times are generally favourable for feeling good about yourself and getting what you want. And remember, Jupiter's still in the sign of relationships (Libra), trining Neptune in the sign of friendship (Aquarius).

The main bugaboo to take note of this lunation is a loose T-square with a Jupiter-Mercury opposition and Saturn at the apex. A little niggling self doubt or that blemish of realism to slow down an otherwise rapid fire go-go-go chart.


It looks like one of the most promising Full Moons. Hope everyone has opportunity to make the best of it.



It was most definetly a powerful moon, although my natal moon was three days after the full moon so now is my lunar-phase return and with it a strong force of determiniation (and insomnia).