Libra new moon ~ Oct 3

isthmus nekoi

Refreshing changes with the new Libra moon this month with a packed stellium in the sign. Libra is all about balance, so now’s the time to recuperate from the last full moon and get back on an even keel. It’s a good time to focus your mind on Libra-like projects, basically anything involving justice and diplomacy, art and beauty, partnerships and relationships.

We’ve got a heavy dose of air this lunation not only with the lunar-solar pair, but also with Mercury conjunct optimistic Jupiter. It’s a good time to communicate about and analyze crucial issues, especially in more intimate relationships, but any sort of partnership is favoured. Hopes are going to run high, and there is definitely some idealism going on with Neptune trine the sun-moon conjunction, but stable Saturn is also lending a tight sextile to ground the pair.

There’s only one serious bugaboo we’re looking at, and that’s a retrograde Mars opposing Venus each in the sign of their detriment (Mars in Taurus, Venus in Scorpio). If you allow for a 10 degree orb, then we have a fixed T-square with Neptune at the apex. This spells out a certain bewitching charm w/new relationships and heightened tension and perhaps disillusionment in older ones. However, with the strong air energy and the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction sextiling Pluto, there is a good opportunity for balanced communicated to cut straight through Neptune’s fog.

isthmus nekoi


I forgot to mention this new moon is also a solar eclipse which adds a layer of complexity....

The following sites talk about eclipses a bit. I've never used them interpretively so will refrain from making any conjectures about its meaning for this lunation.

That last link, although not about this specific upcoming eclipse, is a good little tutorial explaining their set up. Another great site that does this is skyscript but I don't have the url at hand, I'm sure you can google it.


Libra is all about balance, so now’s the time to recuperate from the last full moon and get back on an even keel.

Oh please let this be true! My depression comes and goes, but lately i've been spending much of my days (as much as possible) in bed.


I'm with purplefishy, the last month has been a real nightmare for me, mostly in relation to work (funny thing is, no matter how much I knew that I wasn't going to be working there, didn't make any difference whatsoever for my stress levels or just overall feeling of anger!!) Would feel even better, say, roughly 12.30pm on Tuesday (that is when I finish, on my last day or work, yay!!)



I think the url is if thats the same one.

>>>>"This spells out a certain bewitching charm w/new relationships and heightened tension and perhaps disillusionment in older ones. However, with the strong air energy and the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction sextiling Pluto, there is a good opportunity for balanced communicated to cut straight through Neptune’s fog".<<<<<<

Thats for sure amazingly true personally..very much so yesterday and today. Sun/Moon Libra happened to be opposing my natal Jupiter exact by degree....3rd/9th cusps respectively. There was much gadding about locally the whole time involved with messengering and correspondences. It was a congenial day and very unusual .. seemed "clandestine or fated"... once-in-a fair chance kind of day with someone who I always, thus far, manage to run into during a retrograde of an inner planet. Certain things though neccessant, was able to come to the surface during conversation. The result of which for me is reiterated in the abovementioned quote/post.



It was defiently a time for reflection and balancing. Tonight however there is a cold thunderstorm outside, and the lightning is bright purple as it flares up the sky. And snow is in the prediction as well, it looks like it's going to be a colder Haloween this year.


Llewellyn has an e-newsletter which also pointed out some interesting points:

Llewellyn said:
The month begins with the Sun in airy Libra and then it moves on to watery Scorpio on October 23. On October 1 Mars will turn retrograde and remain so until December 9. There will be two eclipses in October: a solar eclipse in Libra at the New Moon on October 3, and a lunar eclipse at the Full Moon in Aries on October 17. Finally, the Sun will meet up with benevolent Jupiter, on October 22.

That is a short but impressive list of planetary events that occur in October.

Mars Retrograde: Putting on the Brakes

We have a tendency to isolate events--a hurricane, Super Bowl game, war, Mars retrograde period, an eclipse--but all events are connected to other events, even to things that happened decades ago. It is so in our lives, and it is so with planetary aspects. When Mars turns retrograde, it will affect the energies of Venus, Jupiter, the Sun and Moon, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. Retrograde Mars may also interact (make an aspect to) one or more of the planets in your birth chart. If Mars does not aspect planets in your chart, you may not experience the retrograde to the same extent as someone else does, but you will feel the "brakes" applied in some part of your life.

The connection between Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto will form a yod (also known as "the finger of God") pattern. The yod is formed by quincunxs between Mars and Jupiter, and between Mars and Pluto, at the same time that Jupiter and Pluto are sextile. This wedge-shaped triangle has Mars at the apex. People will tend toward impulsive action (Mars-Jupiter), which will require a subsequent action from Pluto to adjust the outcome of the first action. The potential is high for risky, exaggerated behavior and destructive follow-up action. This could manifest as an opportunity to take control or have power over others. Historically, the individual or the nation that takes aggressive action during a Mars retrograde period is likely to be defeated. Forewarned is forearmed, so consider all your options if you find yourself facing a challenge.

Mars symbolizes personal drive, ambition, and aggression--energy put out into the world. When Mars is retrograde, the energies associated with it become more internalized. Does this mean we turn anger upon ourselves? Not necessarily. We have the ability, through our actions and reactions, to create the events that occur in our present and future together. The retrograde energy of Mars encourages us to look within at repressed anger and hostility we may harbor toward another person or group. We have two months to re-evaluate our actions and recognize our individual roles in events.

Whether you or I can see our self in this description may not even be necessary. But, of one thing we can be sure: we will be changed in the months to come--by the hurricanes Katrina and Rita, by the war in Iraq and the fighting in Afghanistan, and by our efforts to help each other. We can be the vehicles for positive change, or we can be transformed by what will happen around us.

Libra Eclipses Highlight Self and Relationships

Pay attention to unusual events that take place near the eclipses. They tend to be of the "out of the blue" variety and can turn out to be life altering. If an eclipse falls on your birthday, you can expect an eventful year ahead. Be prepared (as prepared as you can be, anyway) for big changes to occur. Eclipses are notorious for shaking things up.

The Best Day of the Year!

There are many theories about the benefits of a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, which we'll have on October 22. Some astrologers will say: "It'll be your luckiest day of the year!" And it may well turn out to be so. Others will say: "You will feel very good today--optimistic and positive about life." And, indeed, you may feel very magnanimous toward just about everyone. You might also take inappropriate risks, like accepting a project that is beyond your ability, or signing a contract for a house you really can't afford. My best advice: Enjoy this extremely positive day, and think twice if you're making any really big decisions.