Love Thyself First


Hi All

Been some time since I've been in here, so hello again.

I've been picking up packs recently, got the Robin Woodto add to the others and a new book by Didier Colin (for Christmas). Even though he's a bit comercial, it seems good sense ...

One of the things I like he says is ...

How can you expect to know others if you dont know and love yourself ...

This set me thinking. I have decided to think (through Tarot) of the boundaries between myself and the Universe, in the context of The Tower. What does it mean to be truly open without compromising your identity?



That's a very good thing to think about as the boundries between ourselves and the universe are really just an illusion.

You're right about love too. If you searching outside yourself for love you're starting in the wrong place.

Learn to love and appreciate yourself and love will flow to you. Easy concept but difficult in practice. Most of us don't really love ourselve unconditionally.

New River

agree agree agree

how many times i have tried to tell people that if they want love they must first learn to love themselves. unconditionally!

that means just the way we are this very minute. not when we take off a few pounds or when we get to this level or that one, but right now.

if we don't love ourselves who will?

Love, light and Hope, New River


*jade walks out the room chanting - i love my fat i love my fat i love my fat*