lunar eclipse spread


I did a reading for myself the other night during the full lunar eclipse with a spread that I made on the fly. I drew cards 1-5 during the first part of the eclipse while the moon was still being covered in shadow, card 6 during the 'blackout' phase, and 7-9 as the moon was coming back into light. It ended up being in the shape of a circle (full moon) with a card in the center....looked like this.........

.. 8.....6.....3....

......with cards 1 and 5 representing fixed energies, cards 2-4 representing what was being squeezed out or hidden in shadow, card 6 what was totally hidden to me, and cards 7-9 representing what was emerging into the light.

I ended up with a very insightful reading even though it took a couple of days to fully interpret. Now that I've done with it and the eclipse is over, not to happen again for another, what 3 years?, I thought I'd share the spread.


This looks interesting when someone is looking to find out a secret or something that is being with held....

Almost like a "truth" spread.

I'll try it soon and give you feedback. I don't think it necessarily needs to be used only during an eclipse.

I'll be back....


Well, so far I've done two readings with this spread. The first one was a bit confusing when the Devil landed in the center (6) position...but after thinking about it I kinda figured it out.

The second reading makes sense too...and corresponds with other readings that I've done for myself and that others have done for me....

The spread is excellent and hats off to you....I would suggest it to anyone that wants to get to the bottom of some situation.

Thanks for posting it!

Wisp Wings

Love this spread!

MoonDreameR, I love this spread and copied it down in my spreads book immediately on the first time I saw it. I only was disappointed in that we would have to wait so long to try it out again. ....Yet, thank you WhiteRaven that you found a way around that one and a great reason to do so. Glad to know it has worked well for you.

I haven't tried it out yet, but soon will. Great going you two!


Lunar eclipse feb 20 2008!

I hope many of us can enjoy of such an special reading for tonight, enjoy the full lunar eclipse of this year.


Thanks so much for reviving the thread Eowyn!

I am getting a kick out of this for tonight's eclipse :D

right, 3 more cards to go ;)


Oh this is interesting. I just now found this thread. But a little while ago I actually drew two cards from my new Atlantis Oracle deck.

I just did one for what I should release and one for what I should bring into my life more fully. It was extremely interesting.

bershka, I got Mind Control for what I should release and Healing for what I should bring into my life. How appropriate is that? :*


I may try this out, was looking for an Eclipse spread.


Just bumping this spread. We will have a big Lunar Eclipse that coincides with the Winter Solstice.
