Meditating on pip cards


I'm interested in meditating with my cards. I did a search and found some very good suggestions, like entering a card and talking with the figures in it, but I'm not sure what to do with pip cards that don't have scenes.

I'm working with the Thoth deck, so there are symbols and colors I can focus on, but I'm not sure where to go with them. I could explore their meaning to me personally, or think about the symbolism of the number combined with the suit, or think about the keywords, but I'm not sure how meditating on these things is different from just thinking about them in an everyday sort of way.

Any thoughts or suggestions?




Just an idea.

Not that you need more text, but some people like to look at the keywords on the deck and see how the colors and shapes of the card image might suggest the mood of the keyword.

An easy thing to do is look at the cards of one suit in reverse order - my example of this--check out the cups in this order: ten-nine-eight-seven-six-five-four-three-two-one. The pictures 'energy or mood' and the pattern of the cups goes from a saturated 'ten' mood to a brighter 'nine' and then stabilizes in eight, etc...those are the mental notes that I had in my head as I looked at the cards in reverse order. This is my own personal take--just a sample of thoughts running through my head as I look at the various cards with the cups in it.

Some people like different books such as Gerd Ziglar's "Tarot, Mirror of the Soul" or the truer-to-Crowley-intent texts as interpreted through Lon Milo Duquette.

Hope the idea helps a bit.

Best regards,



Cerulean said:
An easy thing to do is look at the cards of one suit in reverse order - my example of this--check out the cups in this order: ten-nine-eight-seven-six-five-four-three-two-one. The pictures 'energy or mood' and the pattern of the cups goes from a saturated 'ten' mood to a brighter 'nine' and then stabilizes in eight, etc...those are the mental notes that I had in my head as I looked at the cards in reverse order.
Thanks Cerulean! This seems like a neat way to look at trends within a suit; I may also try looking at cards of the same number together and see what energy they share. And I think meditating on the keywords is a great idea as well.

Do you think it makes a difference to be in some sort of formal meditative state? I think it would in order to enter a card, but I feel like I could think about keywords while washing dishes or something.


I also would think that meditating on the Thoth by entering the card might not be the most productive approach.
Besides the excellent suggestions already, suggest you check out the Courts by putting all the queens together, etc, and also looking for relationship patterns within a suit and how the power passes differently in the four suits.
Also, try aligning all the nines with the Hermit, and its shadow The Moon (1+8=9) and see how the cards work together.


When I did my year-long Thoth study, I entered the minors by imagining they were artwork within the kingdom of the suit. Cups were fountains in the Autumn Kingdom, Swords were trophies on the wall in the Winter Kingdom, coins were buildings or treasure or sculptures in the Spring Kingdom, and wands were museum artifacts (Tibetan dorjes) or even fireworks in the Summer Kingdom.

I even had kingdom tour guides on hand to help interpret my art experience!

So, I don't know if it's meditation or just daydreaming, but it really helped me connect with my Thoth!